
"Serious slap Putin." As the breakthroughs of volunteers with "RDC" and "LSR" affect the territory of Russia

The next raid of Russians who fight for Ukraine made the impression of residents of border areas. On their TV, they talk about "one hundred percent safe life in the Russian Federation", and outside the window is a completely different picture: shooting, explosions and heavy equipment. The focus found out what the uniqueness of the raids and whether they should be carried out more often.

Military detachments of the Legion "Freedom of Russia" ("LSR"), "Russian Volunteer Corps" ("RDC") and "Siberian Battalion" In the morning of March 12 crossed the border of Ukraine and the Russian Federation to "go to the presidential election". The stated purpose of the raid is to overthrow the dictatorship of the current Russian President Vladimir Putin, the LSR Telegram channel is noted.

Volunteers promise to "seize our land in a centimeter in the regime" and provide the Russians with free life. The fighters organized a breakthrough on the tanks, managed to destroy one APC in Tetkin village and advance in several directions in the Grayvoronsky district. The Siberian Battalion declares the promotion along the forest and fierce battles in Russia. Russian warships confirm active battles at the border.

Volunteers broke through the armored maneuverable groups, infantry and light equipment. The Russian oppositionist, the ex -Duma expart Ilya Ponomarev claims that the RDC and the Siberian Battalion have also entered the Kursk region. "Border Lozova Rudka in the Belgorod region is completely under the control of the liberation forces. In the Tetkino Kursk region, a shooting fight is now underway," he said.

Governor of Kursk region Roman Stavoita refutes the fact of breakthrough into the territory of the region. The line of defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation holds, to achieve other tactical success to soldiers allegedly failed because of the active work of artillery, helicopters and aviation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Several armed groups tried to break through the pickups with the support of mortar and artillery fire, Russian military speakers write.

According to the Main Directorate of Intelligence (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, a team of volunteers operate independently, fulfilling their socio-political tasks. "After all, they are Russian citizens and have full right," said GUR Andriy Yusov. Russian volunteers use trophy weapons and equipment in raids. "There is a full -scale war on the territory of Ukraine for over two years. It is a" trophy "weapon.

If we are talking about actions in the Ukrainian security and defense forces, of course, Ukrainian weapons, Ukrainian production. There are no secrets here," Yusov added. From a military point of view, it is tactical successes to the territory of Russia and further attacks. Of course, 50 military will not change the situation dramatically, says the focus of the reserve colonel, an expector of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Vladislav Seleznev.

"It is possible to release the Kursk, Bryansk and Belgorod regions with tens of thousands of soldiers with equipment and weapons. The meaning of operations is to prove to the Russians that they do not live in a safe, rich and well -protected country. "RDC", "LSR" and "Siberian Battalion" can at any time unexpectedly break through the borders and become entrenched within Russia.

"Ordinary Russian should think: can the authorities and propagandists lie, telling about one hundred percent protection of the state? Outside the window, a completely different picture is visible: there is a shooting and heavy equipment is moving," Seleznyov added. Large -scale attacks on Russian regions will mainly affect the Russian political elites, not the population.

It is necessary to introduce contradictions in the Kremlin walls about the possibility of organizing the Supreme Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of Defense of the State, according to the colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, military expert Petro Chernik. "A serious slap Putin on the eve of elections. The fear within Russia will grow. I would definitely wish more of such raids, but we need to understand the limited resources.

We compare this with" scarce injection ": a general pill treatment system has an effect, but one injection gives a strong result at some point . In the situation with breakthroughs of the Russian border, it is similar, "he explains the focus. It makes sense to fight on the territory of the Russian Federation, even if there is little harm to the enemy.

"It is much more difficult to fight on the line of fighting than where there are no fortifications and military forces are limited by the National Guard and Border Guards," the expert summed up. Military raids should be supported by active and comprehensive support for opposition forces within Russia. Attention should be paid to indigenous peoples living in remote regions of the Russian Federation, says the head of the Center for Military Legal Research Alexander Musienko.

"It is necessary to establish connections with Bashkires, Yakuts, Caucasian peoples. To maintain their struggle for independence. This includes supplying weapons and participating in the armed struggle," the analyst said. Effective struggle is possible in the event of supporting everything that shakes the Kremlin regime. "Let's see how much the soldiers can move. The Russians respond to aviation and artillery, just stand and watch so.

We will remind, in September 2023 volunteers from "LSR" held a raid in the village of Starosillya of Belgorod region a kilometer from the border with Ukraine. The fighters eliminated military equipment, the live power of the enemy and returned to the territory of Ukraine. Focus earlier described in detail the success of the raids of pro -Ukrainian forces in the Russian Federation. Volunteers should sow chaos and panic, break the defense line and distract the Russian forces from the front line.