
The shortage of medicines due to the "cutting" of the Russian market will not be-"RBC-Ukraine"

The Ministry of Health introduces a ban on the implementation of medicines made in Russia and Belarus in Ukraine. However, Ukrainian patients will not be injured because of the drug analogues, according to the publication of RBC-Ukraine.

The publication reminds that in May, the amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Medicines" came into force, according to which Ukraine can deprive registration certificates that come from the aggressor country, even if they were produced in Russia and Belarus companies from other countries . Now this amendment was used by the Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Country to terminate the registration certificate, which withdrew a number of drugs from the pharma.

More specifically, it is 35 drugs of the Hungarian company Gideon Richter, which has production in the Russian Federation. "It is no secret that this company has close relations with the Russian Federation and continues to produce medicines in Russia and thus through payment of taxes to the Russian budget, it indirectly finances the war against Ukraine," the publication reads.

However, patients will in no way be affected: there are no data on the probability of any medicines, since stopping sales of medicines from the Russian Federation and Belarus is not introduced unless such medicines have at least two substitutes. As for Gideon Richter's medicines, they all have analogues of other manufacturers, and not only Ukrainian ones. In addition, restrictions are introduced for the period of martial law.

There are also fears related to the possible monopolization of the market by Ukrainian companies, but there is no justification for such fears. The expert environment hints that "the MOH commission has received many powers and the opportunity to make unjustified decisions, and that the law is beneficial to Ukrainian pharmacy companies, which can take advantage of the situation and increase their share in the market," the journalists write.

But "when it comes to the risk that the law in the current version will cause a monopolization of the market, I would like to know who exactly and the market is: all drugs, some group or the name of the active substance? Monopolization should be analyzed not in general phrases, but in detail", - It is said in the article "RBC-Ukraine".