
To pass the winter and give a powerful answer to Russian strikes in the cities of Ukraine - now all work is aimed - the address of President Vladimir Zelensky

I wish health, dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Today is a working day in our city of Odessa. Visit by Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands, his team. Our negotiations. There are solutions to Petriots - the Netherlands give additional missiles. We discussed today with Mark and other common steps for Ukraine's defense. Special attention is the protection of Odessa, all of our south - from the Danube ports to the ports of Greater Odessa.

They discussed the protection of our export corridors in the Black Sea. The world recognizes the global role of Ukraine - the guarantor of food security. And it clearly supports what we have to preserve and strengthen it. The social stability of many countries depends directly on Ukrainian force. Today they were in the Odessa port. There were reports of the military, government officials on our combination with the world market and the protection of the Ukrainian waters of the Black Sea.

He held a meeting on the situation in the Odessa region with the heads of law enforcement agencies, representatives of the regional authorities, military leadership. The key is, of course, preparation for winter, protection of energy, restoration of what was destroyed by Russian blows. I am grateful to anyone who works for our people to be protected.

To pass the winter and give a strong answer to Russian blows in Odessa, and in the Odessa region, in the cities of the region and all Ukraine - this is now directed the work of all in the system of government and our diplomats. There will be more protection for our country. He was honored today to visit our warriors who are recovering after injuries. Together with Mark they were in them, communicating. And I noted the military and doctors who help them with state awards.

They met with the pupils of the Military Academy in Odessa. A good conversation. Thank you guys for your attention, for your questions. Guys, girls are good. Today, from Odessa, he addressed the participants of the United expeditionary forces - a format of regional cooperation in northern Europe. The United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway.

The meeting took place on the Swedish island of Gotland, and this is a significant signal, a very symbolic place for the conversation of leaders about Europe's security and long -term reliable protection of our people, our people. If you look at the map, you can immediately understand why Russian state propagandists called on to seize this island. Gotland is control over the whole region. And this region is also trying to destabilize.

When I turned to the Swedish Parliament in the 22nd year, at the beginning of a full-scale war, I spoke exactly how important it is to be strong to all in Europe, in all parts of the continent, at every strategic point such as Gotland, on which joint safety depends . And, by the way, I am grateful for today's final statement of the meeting of the leaders of the united expedition forces. A strong statement. Support of Ukraine.

In particular, support on the way to NATO and a clear condemnation of Russian aggression. And willingness to help us as we need to win in the war. Thank you! And a few more things. Today with Moldova, a protocol on joint control at the border was signed at the checkpoint for the Kuchurgan - Novosavitskaya railway. This is another route of our exports, an additional transport corridor that will accurately strengthen our entire region.

Thank you, Moldova! And I want to thank our soldiers today - exactly those who protect our sky. In particular, in the south of the state. Our fire groups. 13th separate anti-aircraft machine gun, 5th National Guard Brigade and 14th Radio Technical Brigade. Thank you, warriors! Glory to all who fight for Ukraine! Thank you all who help us! Thank you, Mark, for visit and negotiations today, for all support! And thank you, Odesso! Be sure to restore everything that Russia has destroyed.