
Belgorod has undergone massive shelling: there are destruction and many victims (photo, video)

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, during the night of May 9, the regular air defense agents destroyed 15 jet shells of the ram-70 "Vampire" volley fire and one UAV above the territory of the Belgorod region. On the night of May 9, explosions occurred in Belgorod and the region, fires occurred. They talk about shelling from Ukraine, but they do not call the means of damage. The governor of Belgorod region Vyacheslav Gladkov in his telegram-channel reported about it.

According to the head of the region, the surveillance cameras recorded several moments of arrivals in the Belgorod area, which is called Kharkiv Mountain, as well as in the village of Dubove near the regional center. In total, according to the governor, 34 apartments in 19 apartment buildings, one private house and 37 parked cars were damaged. Local telegrams say that the houses were damaged on Slavyanskaya Street and Gubkin Street. However, what was attacked by the city is not specified.

In addition, it is reported that air alarm signals were switched on at night in Belgorod three times, but only after the third time the inhabitants heard explosions and saw outbreaks and smoke in the sky. According to preliminary information, eight people were injured, including an 11-year-old girl. All fragile wounds, they were provided with medical care, three of the hospitalization refused.

In the village of Dubove Belgorod district, roofs were damaged in four private homes, nine cars were completely burned. At 7:30 in the morning, on May 9, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that during the night the regular air defense remedies destroyed 15 jet shells of the RM-70 "Vampire" volley fire and one UAV above the territory of Belgorod region.

In addition, the defense department also stated the destruction of two UAVs over the territory of the Bryansk region and three UAVs - over the Kursk region. This Russian region is a regular bridgehead of Russian troops for strikes in Ukraine, in particular in Kharkiv and Kharkiv region. Local authorities of Belgorod region complain about the "attacks" of drones and shelling, accusing, of course, Ukraine.

At the same time, it is quite often that the Belgorod region is losing its bombs - Fabes and cabins - during the departure of the settlements of Ukraine. So, on May 4, during the shelling of Kharkiv in Belgorod there was also an explosion, as reported by the local governor Gladkov. Then five people were injured, 30 houses and 10 cars were damaged. We will remind, on May 4, residents of Belgorod region reported a fire that broke out at the electrical substation after a possible arrival of UAV.