
Became more dangerous for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: the expert evaluated the drone "Baba Yaga" with laser ammunition (photo)

A new laser gunmill allows UAV to destroy the enemy from a height that is unattainable for small arms, the expert says. Russian invaders have recently shown photos of a captured Baba Baba Baba Baba-bomber, equipped with a laser projectile. The new Ukrainian weapon was evaluated by Canadian physicist and drone expert with Nick Danielr on his page on the social network X. The expert carefully studied the pictures of a new ammunition and made the appropriate drawing.

According to it, the total length of the projectile is approximately 52 centimeters, and the diameter is 10 centimeters. He also identified three main ammunition sections. The nasal part is a central optical detector. The expert drew attention to six optical elements, assuming that they were detectors or emitters. Judging from the dark color, they work in the infrared range. In the same part of the ammunition, the battery and electronics are likely to be located.

The expert believes that optical elements are needed for laser guidance and detection of laser light, reflected. The goal should be indicated by the laser mounted on the UAV. Another possible function of optics is to measure the distance to the target for the air blast. "Compared to other rockets, optics look relatively simple and light, it implies that it is intended for short range.

In addition, the presence of inexpensive but powerful lasers can reduce the need for expensive optics," the author said. In the center of the projectile, according to the physicist, there is a shrapnel combat part. This area is covered with corrugation. According to the expert, the conceptually the combat part is similar to other shells, including those used in the Ukrainian Rymothable. In the tail part you can see four small steering wings, which are responsible for the direction of flight.

The tail also probably contains a rocket engine that provides sufficient air speed to make the wings effective. According to the expert, the wings can be made of the same material as printed boards. Summarizing, the expert came to the conclusion that this ammunition could be designed specifically for UAVs that fly up to 1000 meters. He noted that Ukrainian Baba Yaga drones often work at an altitude of 100 meters, which is why they are easy to get in small arms.

However, at a height of 1000 meters, they will be more difficult to knock down. We will remind, units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Kherson region use "Baba Yaga" to send a provision to the islands on the Dnieper near Kherson. Bottles of water are adjusted to the UAV, food and sent across the river. Similar functions are performed by an overwlowing drone that received Russian troops for war in southern Ukraine.