
"If it were all in the army perfect, Russia would not be attacked": "Osman" told about problems in the Armed Forces

The military spoke about the "sad trend" - when there are enough people in the units, they are attracted to the assaults, and when not, the fighters are in defense. Focus found out what other problems are now in the Armed Forces. The Ukrainian serviceman from the 24th OSHB, Stanislav Bunyatov with the call sign "Osman", stated that the Russian Federation would not have attacked Ukraine if everything was perfect in the Armed Forces.

He told about it in an interview with focus or will lose Ukraine and why partners interfere with the end of the war: interview with Ottoman. "If everything in the army was perfect, if we did not have gaps, then I think, Russia would not have attacked us at all. And so - we have that we have, and the enemy has the same problems, they just have a much larger mobilization resource" , - said Stanislav Bunyatov.

He noted that at the front, the Ukrainian military lacks light armored equipment, which could be replaced by pickups, because they are not too equipped with armor. In addition, there is insufficient number of HRBs to equipment. According to "Osman", people are always not enough at the front. So he spoke about the "sad trend" - when there are enough people in the units, they are involved in the assault, and when not - the fighters are in defense.

"This is such a very specific use of infantry at the moment," he said. The serviceman stressed that he did not like such tactics, because he was repeatedly part of this combat mission. "When we had more people, we stormed when we were in defense, although we are not liked in general. Of course, every operation requires detailed planning, sufficient artillery training, equipment, logistics. We come from what we have, "Osman said.

We will remind, the fighter of the Armed Forces Stanislav Bunyatov declared focus that there should be demobilization in Ukraine, since they are now fighting "not the last people". According to him, people can be encouraged to fight. In addition, Osman said focus that the war in Ukraine could end when partners stop sponsored by both sides of the conflict. He noted that Ukraine would not have enough resources for war if the event does not provide assistance. The same applies to Russia.