
89 "Shahanedov" towards Kiev: What will happen after the most massive UAV attack on July 31st

Experts believe that in the Russian Federation the problems with the production of "Shahaneda" in large numbers in a short time, since such massive shelling of Ukraine did not take a long period. Focus found out what would be after the attack on July 31. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the night of July 31 attacked the peaceful cities of Ukraine with the help of various weapons.

In particular, the enemy launched at once 89 percussion drones of Iranian origin of Shahd, who were flying from different areas of the Russian Federation. The main area of ​​air weapons of the invaders was the Kyiv region. According to the Commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces Mykola Oleshchuk, it is one of the most massive attacks of UAVs "Shahd-131/136". The same number of "Shahmed" was used by the enemy on New Year's Eve on January 1, 2024.

It is known that from the 89 perks of UAV "ShahED-131/136", found by radar units of the air forces, all were shot. Mobile fire groups of all defense forces, tactical and army aviation, anti -aircraft and missile units, and EWS were involved in the fight against the aerial attack. According to the military expert Pavel Zrozhny, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use the usual tactics - they launch a large number of "Shahmed" at a time to maximize Ukrainian air defense systems.

"Tactics are simple. This is done so that we cannot translate the air defense products that protect us to other places, and they were always in the battle stage, did not rest. The Russian Federation accumulates" Shahda "and makes one strong stroke to overload the air defense systems, To make us use small weapons, but expensive missiles, which are small. , - says the focus of the people.

The expert believes that the Russian Federation has problems with the production of "Shahaneda" in large numbers in a short time, since they did not spend such a massive shelling of Ukraine for a long period. "They have long accumulated" Shahda "and then beat. And this indicates that production is limited. When we last saw such a massive attack? Somewhere more than a month ago. This means that the Russian Federation is not able to produce quickly in large quantities "Shahda". .

The expert also notes that the Russian Federation funded the production, the so -called, younger sister of "Shahaned", cheaper version of "Herbera". It has smaller size and weaker power. It is known that the drone is available in three variants: Kamikadze, radio -electronic intelligence and air defense. The Narozhny believes that if the only task was to demand Ukrainian air defense systems, then the winged missiles would fly after the Shahaneda.

It is often the tactics used by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. "Usually, they synchronize the launch of" Shahaneda "with winged rockets. But now it did not happen. Apparently, the task was to break through" Shahheda "Kiev to reach the goals. But they did not work out," the expert said. The focus interlocutor adds that it is difficult to predict further actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. "To say that there will be a lull, we cannot.

They may have forgiven our air defense systems, made conclusions, and days will start the winged missiles because they are made much more than" shahas. " expert. We will remind, to reflect the most massive attack of "Shahanedov" of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the night of July 31 attracted army aviation of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces. Previously, the unit was not mentioned in the context of "hunting" for Russian shock drones.