
Putin prompted an attack on Ukraine with Afghanistan - a military correspondent

German journalist Catherine Aigendorf, who covered the war in the Donbass and Afghanistan, said that the Russian full -scale invasion of Ukraine began due to US Foreign Policy, US President Joe Biden. Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to attack Ukraine when it became clear that the United States began to lose the role of a leading world state. This opinion was expressed by the German military correspondent Catherine Aigendorf on the air of ZDF, reports Bild.

The 62-year-old correspondent worked in Moscow for a long time, and also covered the Chechen War, worked in Afghanistan, Donbass and reported reports from Ukraine after a full-scale invasion of Russia on February 24, 2022. Catherine Aigendorf claims that one of the main turning points that led to the Kremlin's decision to begin the invasion was the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in 2021.

She believes that this process has begun with Donald Trump's actions, which has concluded an agreement with the Taliban terrorist organization without including the current government of Afghanistan. According to Catherine, when Joe Biden initiated the withdrawal of troops, it became a signal for Putin's loss of the United States of the leading role in the international stage. "Despite all the warnings, Joe Biden spent the chaotic way out.

And of course, Vladimir Putin watched with great attention. Afghanistan was the center of the collapse of the Soviet Union, Vietnam of the Soviet Union. And Putin, of course, looked very closely that there It happens, "the journalist said. Aigendorf suggests that if it weren't for these circumstances, Putin could not decide on such a step. "Putin may have thought once again whether to attack this country in this way. It's a bold thesis, but everything is interconnected to me.

We cannot consider it in isolation," - summed up a military correspondent. It is also worth mentioning that on October 23, the media suggested that Putin plans to use the Brix Summit against Ukraine. The leaders of about 20 countries gathered at the Kazan summit, and with his help, Putin tries to demonstrate that he is not in international isolation.