
Armed Forces destroy Russian air defense systems before arrival F-16-isw

The Air Force of the Armed Forces continue to "clean" the Russian air defense regions and temporarily occupied territories to protect the arrival and placement of F-16 fighter jets in the summer and the current year. In the border areas of the Russian Federation and in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, less and less Russian air defense systems and radar stations are becoming.

The Armed Forces Air Force is doing everything to create the conditions for the F-16 fighters after their expected arrival in Ukraine in the summer and 2024. This was reported in the new report of the Institute of War Study (ISW).

The Ukrainian commander-in-chief, Colonel-General Alexander Sirsky, reported on July 16 that the Ukrainian forces had struck the positions of the C-300 in the occupied Donetsk region, and also reported that the Ukrainian forces destroyed a total of 20 starting installations of C-300 and 15 radar stations for an unpaid period.

Syrsky published geolocation footage, which shows how Ukrainian forces use cassette ammunition to strike on Russian air defense systems located east of the occupied Mangush in Donetsk region (west of Mariupol).

At the same time, the founder of the Kraken Unit of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense Konstantin Nemichev on July 12 stated that the Ukrainian forces destroyed four Russian C-300 Russian systems, which Russian troops used to blow to Kharkiv for an indefinite period of time.

"The Commander of the Russian C-300 was likely to die during the Ukrainian blow on the occupied Mariupol, since the time of death of the commander falls 15 minutes after the blow on the Russian S-300 S-300 SPRC under Mariupol July 12. At the same time, ISW did not find signs of Ukrainian blow Air defense in the Belgorod region on July 12 and cannot confirm the exact place of this attack, "the report reads.

The ISW also noted that the Council of Deputies of the Krasninsky Volgograd Region of the Russian Federation reported the liquidation of the Commander of the Russian Battery C-300 as a result of the impact of Ukrainian SPRs at a position in the Kharkiv direction at 13:00 on July 12.

The same council of deputies reported that on July 12, the C-300 battery commander reported in a recent letter that in the last two weeks the strikes of the Armed Forces on Russian air defense means killed two Russian Russian PPO batteries. ISW suggests that it means a certain period in June - in early July 2024.

The Institute of War Study reminded the words of Syrsky that the Ukrainian forces systematically destroy the aircraft facilities to create conditions for successful use of the Armed Forces of shock aviation in the context of the expected arrival of the F-16 fighters in the near future.

"F-16 supplies to Ukraine are likely to begin in small quantities, and restrictions on material part and training are likely to not allow Ukrainian forces in 2024 to use a large-scale fixed wing aircraft," ISW reminded. Official Kiev noted that the F-16 intends to use within a broader system of air defense of Ukraine. According to Bloomberg, Ukraine expects to get six F-16 this summer until 20 by the end of the year.