
"Three Defense Rings": Pavlyuk told whether Kiev was ready for a possible offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

According to the commander of the Land Forces, with a neighbor such as Russia, one must constantly be ready for war. In addition, it depends on the capital whether Ukraine will continue. Recently, there are more and more conversations that Russian invaders are intended to go to a new large -scale offensive. They can be both Kharkiv and Kiev. The commander of the Land Forces, Alexander Pavlyuk, spoke on the broadcast of the telephone.

According to him, after February 24, 2022, hundreds of kilometers of fortifications and several rings of defense managed to build hundreds of kilometers of fortifications and several rings. At the same time, the protection is only increased every day. It is noteworthy that after the Great War, Oleksandr Pavlyuk held the position of Chief of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration for several months and commanded the Kiev Defense forces. "In this year, we have done a huge amount of work.

It is about 1000 kilometers of fortifications, three rings of Kiev's defense. We have greatly intensified the Chernobyl direction. We did our best to make the options for the sudden event of the enemy," says the commander of the Land Forces. Currently, working to not give Russian invaders to take any chance to take control of Kiev in the event of a second offensive, it continues. "Long -term concrete fortifications are already being built.

Because having such a neighbor - it is necessary to be constantly ready for war. And it depends on Kiev whether Ukraine will exist or will not exist," - summed up Alexander Pavlyuk. We will remind, on March 31 it was reported that the mayor of Kiev Vitaliy Klitschko allowed a second attack on the capital. According to him, this city is the heart of Ukraine, so Russian President Vladimir Putin will try to do everything to take control of it. The Ukrainian side calculates any possible scenarios.