
"They behave quietly": Putin explained his words about "friends in Europe" (video)

The President of the Russian Federation believes that in Europe there are many who share the views of Russia, but "they behave quieter. " Kremlin head Vladimir Putin believes that there are many friends in Russia in Russia, but they do not show signs of sympathy for aggressor country in public. He stated this with the Russian Olympians on October 4. The President of the Russian Federation believes that in Europe there are many who share the views of Russia, but "they behave quieter.

" They seem to express it loudly. "There are many friends in Europe in Russia," Putin said during the International Financial Security Olympiad. On March 17, the International Criminal Court in the Hague issued a warrant for Putin's arrest. The statement of the instance states that the warrant was also issued against Maria Lviv-Bielova, authorized by the President of the Russian Federation for the rights of a child who oversees the export of Ukrainian children to Russia.

The report states that every suspect is responsible for the military crime, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Kostin commented on the initiative. He responded to a report on the arrest of the Russian dictator: "Outside Russia, he must be arrested and transferred to court. And the world leaders will think three times before pressing his hand or sitting with him at the negotiating table.