
The Russian Federation plans to increase troops on NATO borders, the war is possible in the next 10 years - the intelligence of Estonia

The head of the Estonian intelligence service Kaupo Rossin said that the possibility of invasion of the Russian Federation in the short term is "very unlikely". This is partly due to the fact that the enemy is forced to maintain his military presence in Ukraine. The Russian Federation is preparing for a military confrontation with the West over the next decade, but it can hold it back to an increase in the armed forces.

This was stated on Tuesday, February 13, in the external intelligence service of Estonia, Reuters reports. According to the publication, more and more Western officials are warning about the military threat from Russia to the countries along the Eastern Flang, urging Europe to re -equipment for defense preparation.

The head of the Estonian Intelligence Service Kaupo Rosin said that the corresponding assessment is based on the Kremlin's plans to double the number of forces located along the border with NATO members Finland and the Baltic States Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. "Russia has chosen the path of long -term confrontation . . . And the Kremlin is likely to expect a possible conflict with NATO for the next decade or so," the intelligence head said.

He notes that the possibility of military invasion of the Russian Federation in the short term is "very unlikely". This is partly due to the fact that Russia is forced to maintain its military presence in Ukraine. According to Rovin, the attack will remain unlikely if the extension of Russian troops corresponds to the increase of forces in Europe. "If we are not ready, the probability will be much higher than without any preparation," he stressed.

The publication noted that after annexation by the Russian Federation of Crimea in 2014, the Baltic countries increased their military expenses to more than 2% of GDP. Rosin adds that the Russian breakthrough in Ukraine before the presidential election in the Russian Federation in March is unlikely, as it will require the mobilization of much more troops than now.

However, he noted that without the support of the West, it would be difficult for Ukraine to change the situation on the battlefield, since Russia has the advantage in providing its troops with ammunition. Earlier, Financial Times reported that Danish Defense Minister Troels Lund Poolsen, like his EU colleagues, is alarmed by increasing Russian defense expenditures, which can lead to direct confrontation with NATO and check the alliance's obligation for collective security .