
Experiment from People's Deputy: Why did the authorities talk about women's military accounting

The topic of military accounting and mobilization of women is still perceived in society acutely. The sources of focus in the Verkhovna Rada reported that there is no "on paper" of this rule. The scandalous topic was discussed in the profile committee days, but most people's deputies opposed. The topic of women's military accounting and further mobilization remains resonant. On December 19, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made it clear on December 19 that he would not sign a law with such a norm.

The sources of focus in the Verkhovna Rada reported that there are no rules on women's military accounting on paper. The Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence discussed issues days, but most people's deputies opposed. If such a norm appears in a major bill on mobilization that prepares the Ministry of Defense, it will not support it in the profile committee. "There is no draft law, there is an oral discussion. The document will be submitted.

The Cabinet of Ministers is now. There is a working group in the Ministry of Defense, there are norms for mobilization and demobilization, but no specifics are not. According to the ATO veteran, Eugene Dyky's Eugene Dyky's efficiency in the Aidar battalion, in the circle of military issues of women's mobilization has never been discussed. "As far as I know, it is a personal initiative [People's Deputy Maryana] Bezroad.

Now it is [military accounting of women with further mobilization] is not worked out in the parliamentary committee or at the level of factions or groups. I voiced the document, therefore it is unclear what she did. This would be a lot of hitting the moral spirit of the defenders who are fighting to be calm for their families, "said Focus Wild.

We will remind, the deputy chairman of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on National Security, Defense and Intelligence Marian Bezugla reported that a major bill on mobilization and demobilization is being prepared. The document, according to the People's Deputy, will be resonant provisions. In particular, a decrease in the conscript age from 27 to 25 years, the restriction of the rights of evaders, as well as - military accounting of women.

According to Bezsloy, Ukrainians are "looking for love interest in Europe" while men defend their homeland at the front, and this state of affairs should be corrected. The People's Deputy said that mobilizing women after military registration would only be in the rear. In the General Staff of the Armed Forces, according to Bezubless, the initiative is not approved. She did not receive support among Ukrainian women.

When asked, whether women agree to be on military registration in order to go to service in the future, most respond negatively. Experts said focus that by offering society to discuss resonant topics, the politician increases his recognition. Political scientist Igor Reityrovich noted that against the backdrop of scandal, the norm of women's military registration will be removed, but instead will be able to approve other provisions remaining in the shadows with less resistance from society.