
Avdiivka "gave" the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Tactical Opportunities: The invaders are actively coming - isw (map)

Analysts have warned that Russian troops restored the "high rates" of the offensive. According to their forecast, the enemy "in the coming weeks" will advance from Avdiivka and capture new settlements. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation try to use the tactical capabilities gained by the capture of Avdiivka to move in the Donetsk region further. The chances of success were evaluated by the occupiers in the report of the Institute of War Study (ISW) of February 27.

Analysts reported that Russian troops have restored "relatively high rates" to the west and northwest of Avdiivka. Their blows are concentrated in the direction of Berdychiv, Orlovka and thin. Ukraine has taken a defensive position there to cover the departure of troops from Avdiivka. Ukrainian military observers called the fortification of defense forces in the west from Avdiivka "those who disappoint" and "problematic".

At the same time, Russian guidance bloggers stated that it was difficult for defenders to keep defense west from Avdiivka. They predicted that the Ukrainian forces would later focus on the defense line further west, which they began to be built in November 2023. "Probably, Russian troops continue attempts to deprive Ukrainian forces of rest, which would allow Ukraine to create a more holistic and difficulty line of defense in the immediate vicinity of Avdiivka.

The knife of Ukrainian positions in Avdiivka or further west, and the Russian forces probably maintain a high operational pace to try to use this tactical opportunity, " - said in ISW. Analysts have suggested that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can capture settlements to the west and northwest of Avdiivka "in the coming weeks". However, the reservoir between Berdychi-semen is expected to "slow down the already slow motion".

The report stressed that this complex relief should limit Russia's tactical achievements and allow Ukraine to prepare defense positions. This is likely to lead to the final climax of the invaders in the Avdeevsky direction. "At least until the Russians strengthen their attacking elements," was added to ISW. We will remind, on February 27 the commander of Tavriya Alexander Tarnavsky stated that the Ukrainian forces "stabilized" the line of defense near Avdiivka.