
If Ukraine does not show allies possible scenarios of the post -war world - the war will be delayed

The West is afraid of both the victory of Russia and the victory of Ukraine the further fate of war and peace is determined by the position of our Western allies. Of course, it is not consolidated, there are different opinions, but now Mainstrim has been outlined. And it does not bring us joy. Western elites are very afraid of three variants of events: 1.

Western elites are afraid of defeat of Ukraine: it means the political failure of all who supported Ukraine and the strengthening of the world authoritarian axis, with a high probability of spreading Russian aggression in Europe and the beginning of Chinese aggression. 2. Western elites are afraid of Russia's defeat: it means disintegration, collapse, humanitarian catastrophe, a large -scale refugee crisis, the uncontrolled spread of nuclear weapons and excessive China. 3.

Western elites are afraid of delaying war: it means the accumulation of fatigue of their societies, the exacerbation of internal political confrontations, and in the end of the defeat of Ukraine with all the consequences from the first point. If you are afraid of the defeat of Ukraine, the defeat of Russia, the delay of war - what remains? (I will indicate that if all the scenarios are bad for you, it means that you have already lost, at least in your head.

Instead, he won the one for whom all the scenarios are good or at least acceptable, which is China now. But if for you All the scenarios are bad from the outset, so you have an inadequate picture of the world from the outset), so what remains of Western elites? First, it remains to dream as it would be good if Ukraine has capitulated for several days or weeks in the spring of 2022.

Because then there would be no problems, there would be no war (in fact on the contrary), there would be no need to raise money from the budget of their country and so on. Ukraine has made them all the problem (in fact, on the contrary). Secondly, it remains to live myths that allow you to continue using the old inadequate picture of the world.

For example: a) Putin will die (in fact, Putin will not die, because a person who has several doubles managed by people from the nearest circle cannot die); b) after Putin's death, the President of Russia will become Navalny (in fact, because the real power in the hands of the FSB and other clans, and even if Navalny released and appointed the president, it will not change anything); c) after Putin's death and election and inauguration, he democratizes Russia in 1-2 years (in fact, not, because democracy requires citizens and institutions, and there is neither one nor the other).

Third, in addition to the defeat of Ukraine, the defeat of Russia and the delay of war, you can come up with the fourth option-freezing of war. But for negotiations and freezing it is necessary to somehow get the consent of the Ukrainian and Russian sides, and none of them agrees: Ukrainian society will not approve of such behavior of Ukrainian political leaders, and Putin also does not want negotiation Only wait for Ukraine.

The fourth, in the end, you can do nothing and hope that something will happen, and it will change the situation or lead to new information. For example, Putin will die (see above). This is exactly what the western elites do, proclaiming the slogan "We will be with Ukraine as much as we need" - how much is it necessary for what? So, the lack of a vision of how the war is over, makes the end of the war quite difficult, I would even say impossible.

(I hope, no one has illusions that the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces in 1991 means the end of the war). What shall I do? There is only one way: Ukraine needs to show maximum subjectivity and initiative in the end of the war. To understand, analyze and show our allies, the post -war world scenarios are possible. To reconcile the desired scenario and to formulate a request for the resources and mechanisms required for its implementation.

Overcome your own inferiority complex, as well as colonial thinking and mental traps of our allies. To attract on their side of Western intellectuals and public persons. Send a clear and clear message to non -watery countries (which are not very correctly called "Global South"). To form an anti -imperial block within the Russian Federation. Fill the world information space with viral memes.