
Poland plans to consider the ban on food from the Russian Federation and Belarus - Tusk

Poland Prime Minister Donald Tusk believes that the problem of excessive proposal and "unequal competition" is related not only to trade with Ukraine, but also to import agro -products from Russia and Belarus. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk stated on February 29 that his government would analyze the results of Latvia's decision to ban imports Russian food. About it reports Bloomberg. According to Tusk, Warsaw does not exclude the possibility of taking similar measures.

The Prime Minister noted that he wanted to discuss this issue with Polish protest farmers. At the same time, the head of the government believes that the problem of excessive proposal and "unequal competition" is related not only to trade with Ukraine, but also to import agro -products from Russia and Belarus. The decision, according to the agency, made Tusk after meeting with his Latvian colleague Evika Silin.

Both premieres have agreed to join efforts to convince the European Union leaders to take food imports from the East. According to him, it is important for him to think of the Latvian government head of the government in the context of Riga's decision to introduce an embargo on Russian products, which was approved at the level of the Parliament of Latvia.

"I want everyone to understand: excess grain and products in Poland and Europe and unequal competition is not only a problem of import of grain and food from Ukraine. Few people are aware that the market in Europe and Poland is destabilizing through products that are inflamed from Russia and Belarus, so we need to take all the possible steps.

And I thank Evitza that we will persuade European institutions in Brussels together in Brussels very seriously for our countries safe for our countries to import grain and food from the eastern destinations, "Tusk said. Earlier, on February 22, the Latvian government forbade the import of grain from Russia. The country has repeatedly urged the European Union to take the same step, since all Russian agricultural products can be replaced by Ukrainian goods.

The Polish Prime Minister insisted that Poland wants to help Ukraine, but at the same time seeks to stabilize the situation in the markets and protect its farmers. Earlier, on February 28, Donald Tusk stated that Poland could completely close the border with Ukraine, but this event is temporary. "It is no secret that we are conducting a dialogue with the Ukrainian side about temporary border closure, complete closure of commodity exchange. I will also talk about this with Polish farmers. .

The head of the Polish government stressed that in Poland a positive balance in trade with Ukraine. "Poland sells much more to Ukraine than it receives from Ukraine," Tusk emphasized, adding that different groups have different interests. Polish farmers, participants of the so -called "star march" to the capital of the country, on Tuesday, February 27, came to a large -scale protest against EU policy and import of agricultural products from Ukraine.

They demand from the Polish government to restrict the import of Ukrainian agro -products and the exit of Poland from the European Green Deal, which imposes a number of restrictions on them. On Friday, February 23, at the railway checkpoint "Dorogosk" unknown injured hatches in Ukrainian grain carriers that were carried rapeseed. The cargo was traveling through Poland to German Hamburg.