
Ukrainians accused of espionage in favor of the Russian Federation in Poland have disappeared before departure to prison

Two Ukrainians and a citizen of Belarus, who prepared sabotage on the railway, evade their sentence. Their previous arrest was canceled by the court in December last year. Two Ukrainians and a citizen of Belarus, who were part of a sabotage group, governed from Russia, were released from previous arrest and disappeared. Their location is unknown. Polish media say they "evade" their sentence. Rzeczpospolita writes about it.

The recent exposure of the Spy Network to Poland's internal security agency has been its greatest success at the moment.

In December last year, the Lublin District Court adopted a sentence of 14 of 16 accused foreigners for participation in the preparation of diversions in Poland - a group that was remotely managed by "Andrew", most likely the FSB officer of the FSB of Russia, conducted observation of airports, planned explosions of train, in particular with humanitarian assistance For Ukraine, and even murder.

It was the largest ever liquidated spy network in Poland and the great success of the internal security agency. All of them - 13 Ukrainians, two Belarusians and one Russian - found themselves guilty and voluntarily obey the punishment. During the trial, two of them refused an agreement with the prosecutor's office - the court will continue.

By announcing the sentences according to which the three defendants were assigned to minimum punishments - from more than one year to a year and a half of imprisonment, the court canceled the previous arrest (they have been in custody since March 2023). It turns out that none of them - Arthur M. , Yaroslav B. and Maria M. - is not in prison to this day. Ukrainian Yaroslav B.

disappeared from the radar of special services - in January the court made him a sentence of serving, and then in April and May he issued him a reminder. Arthur M. 's minor (at the time of his arrest he was 16 years old) was approved to be delivered to the correctional facility. Maria M. , who studied in Warsaw, also disappeared-she filed a statement of parole, but did not come to the Warsaw Court, which had to make a decision. The court also decided to detain her and send it to prison.

"All other convicts are serving their sentences," said Judge Barbara Markovskaya, a spokeswoman for the district court of Lublin. Jacek Dovzhinsky, spokeswoman for special services coordinator minister, reported that 12 convicted sentences are served in prisons, and should be sent to prison on the 13th. One person from the spy network is actually at large and is wanted. "After serving their sentence, they are deported from Poland," Dovzhinsky assures. According to the indictment, Arthur M.

was the youngest, but played a significant role. He bought surveillance cameras, for example, on a port in a egg, a station in Rzeszow and railway tracks, as well as hired people who had to install this equipment. He paid - 19,000 zlotys. Considering his age, he was a concerted punishment for him in shelter and continuation of education. Yaroslav B. , 44 years old, worked in Poland: he was carving products.

He provided a bank account through which they transferred payment for the tasks completed, and bought and registered SIM cards that spies used in the cameras installed on trains. The court sentenced him to one year and three months. Maria M. (now 20 years old) also allowed to transfer money to her expense for spies. She also helped to paste postcards aimed at igniting hatred against Ukrainians. She studied in Warsaw before his arrest. Sentence: one year and one month. Maxim L. and Artem A.

- six years of imprisonment were received by each (the second sentence was finally approved only in March this year). The indictment stated that most members of the spy network were recruited in Ukraine - they arrived in Poland as refugees. Immediately after the final force, the court in Lublin sent their copies to the head of the department for foreigners.

The former high -ranking ABW officer, who is engaged in counterintelligence, notes that the departure order and deportation should take place immediately after the release of these people. And the Schengen entry that they are "unwanted" must be issued indefinitely. "Poland must show consistency in their actions in the fight against espionage. For many of the recruited it will be a painful warning that the door to Europe is definitely closed. , - the officer emphasizes.

According to the Internal Security Agency and the Lublin Department of the National Prosecutor's Office, members of the broken network "had different knowledge of the real" curator ", but were aware that they were in the interests of the Russian government. " The prices are also known: saboteurs were received for postponers, $ 300-400 were received for the placement of the camera, and $ 10,000 for the train from the rails. They were paid in cryptocurrency.

The group installed at least six cameras (they ordered another dozen) with an independent power and wireless bond of a very high resolution for constant recording of transport (they wanted to put GPS). They were also planned to be used to deposit leaflets with attacks on Ukrainians, arson homes, cars and beating Ukrainian refugees. The investigation showed that the spy group consisted of 17 foreigners and about a dozen other people whose persons failed.