
Rockets will be able to beat further and more precisely: in the Russian Federation declared a new laser guidance system

The engineers conducted tests and concluded that the device will calculate the flight trajectory of two missiles in such a way that they flew to one target as best they can. The Ramen Instrumentation Plant (RF) received a patent for a direct laser instrument for managed missiles. The concept of the device has already been tested, TASS reports.

The developers have stated that during the tests it became clear that the device increases the range of projectiles, increases energy efficiency, reduces the weight of the optical-electronic sighting system and improves the quality of work as a whole. They also noted that their apparatus should be referred to as "optical systems of guided missiles on the target by laser beam". The patent states that the novelty is different from similar devices.

Its design involves the use of not a continuous laser or laser raster, which forms an information field, but a low-power impulse-periodic emitter. The device is also equipped with a block of molding sequence of radiation pulses and a high -speed laser radiation. The device makes it possible to calculate the rocket trajectory so that it is as accurate as possible. For this purpose, the image processing system and the formation of directions on the rocket and the target are used.

TASS states that, according to engineers, whatever range, the rocket strike will be as accurate as possible. It is also emphasized that the laser guidance system is able to calculate trajectories for two rockets of one species or two rockets of different types. This is achieved through the rapid switching of the high -speed guidance system. Earlier, we reported that the military told whether laser weapons could defeat Russia.