
Online parade and "weighty" fleet. Is Russia capable of creating its "NATO" at sea

Analyzing the measures related to the recent celebration of the Navy (Navy Navy Day (Navy), Western analysts concluded that Vladimir Putin tried to use this event to create a "NATO alternative" as much as possible. Whom the Kremlin tried to negotiate with and whether he succeeded, he found out the focus. The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) of the Institute for the Study of War-Vladimir Putin tried to use the celebration of the Navy (Navy) Celebration to create an anti-Western coalition.

According to ISW, the countries of Asia and the Middle East had to be included in this group, whose representatives were present at the holiday. It should be noted that in the Parade in honor of the Navy Day, on July 28, the ships of the Navy, Algeria and India participated in St. Petersburg. In addition, according to Roszma, representatives of 31 states were present at the celebration: Cuba, Libya, Myanmar, Syria, Azerbaijan, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, South Africa and more.

Experts from ISW have seen in the negotiations of Russian government with representatives of these countries the attempt of Moscow to create and lead a "NATO alternative". In the context of this it is noted that the deputy chairman of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Alexander Fomin held meetings with the commander of the Navy of China, Myanmar and other countries.

Meanwhile, experts with whom focus spoke with, believe that nothing good at the Marine Theater of combat in particular, and in an effort to form an "anti-noto" on the water in general, the Russian Federation does not shine. Yes, political scientist Alexander Kochetkov in conversation with focus notes: "The Kremlin is constantly trying to demonstrate that it is not a worldwide raw, more than it seems to head some anti -colonial coalition there, cooperating with the global south, etc.

The Russian Federation is a continuation of the consistent policy of Moscow. These measures can be admired by the most stubborn Russians. " According to the expert, the current celebration of the Navy Day of the Russian Federation Russia clearly demonstrated that "horns and legs" remained from its Black Sea Fleet. "Always such parades were indeed quite powerful, they were attended by large ships of the Black Sea Fleet, and what we saw now is a rather pathetic sight.

So Russia itself signed in the fact that the Black Sea Fleet was actually no longer. Of course, the northern remaining. , Baltic, but according to the Black Sea Fleet, they have to put merchant candles for the day of the Navy - no more than a propaganda action, and, to put it mildly, not too successful. And as long as Russia exists, " - said Alexander Kochetkov.

When asked by focus, with whom, in view of the current situation, the Russian Federation can count on the marine anti -Western coalition, the expert replied: "In the practical sense, the Russians try to" bring bridges "with China in this direction. But here the Russians are in China, which now has a fairly powerful military-navy, which is constantly developing rapidly enough.

" Having emphasized that China began with the modernization of post -Soviet ships, the expert added that he is currently making his and powerful aircraft carriers. "So Russia loses China by all the parameters because its fleet has become a smile. I will not be surprised if the Chinese fleet soon will use Russian as conditional target ships, because they are no longer suitable for anything. The Russian Federation is almost nothing.

" Noting that even some Russian figures recognize that the structures that solve operational-tactical tasks, the Federation of the Russian Federation is almost go The Russian ships left the waters of the Black and Azov Seas - the fact that the Black Sea Fleet of Russia has suffered a fiasco I do not believe in Russia's ability to create a "NATO alternative" on the water.

Note that in maritime cooperation with Russia, it may be interested in China, the expert stated: "China has to become a world state and claims the role of the leader of the global south. In addition, Beijing intercepted leadership in Russia as Brix and SCOs. At the same time, it can use maritime cooperation with the Russian Federation to strengthen its positions.

As an example of an anti -Chinese coalition, political scientists cited Aukus, which, in addition to the United States, includes Australia and the United Kingdom. Also in this context, the political scientist pointed to "the renewal of the US military and Philippines and the formation of a military-political union within Japan, South Korea and the United States.

" "In the context of talking about the so -called NATO alternative for Russia, it is appropriate to mention the CDC, which has demonstrated that it is not able to respond to challenges and as of today is actually collapsed. This structure is already left by Armenia, as they say, Kazakhstan and possibly. Tajikistan, if Russia is not able to help with the Taliban. For the creation of any coalitions, among other things, maritime, is extremely limited, "-concludes Alexander Leonov.

Only two ships of the Black Sea Fleet were shown during the transmission of the current Navy Parade of the Russian Federation. They became Corvette "Mercury", which since 2024 performs tasks on the Russian military base in Syrian Tartus, and Admiral Grigorovich frigate. This year, the broadcast for the first time united the parades in St. Petersburg (the traditional part of it in Kronstadt was abolished), in Baltic, Vladivostok, North Sea, Caspian and Russian base in the above Syrian Tartus.