
"Fragile Resistance": 3 OShBRs showed unique counterattack footage in Kharkiv (video)

The brigade said that the enemy forces had a quantitative advantage of 2. 5 times. Nevertheless, the enemy lost hundreds of his fighters. The Armed Forces began an offensive in the Kharkiv region. The press service of the 3 separate assault brigade on August 31 showed exclusive footage of the first battles from the Action camera of fighters 1 mechanized and assault battalions. "The infantry carries hostile dugs. Fire bosses breaks to the trenches of the enemy.

The enemy resists and tries to surround the assault groups," the post stated. From the video it is known that the counter -offensive operation was performed on August 15. The ratio of forces was 2. 5 to 1 in favor of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Despite this, the defenders managed to capture the battalion area of ​​defense, platoons and company strongholds of the invaders. The brigade broke through the front line almost 2 square kilometers deep.

The enemy suffered significant losses in equipment and weapons, 300 invaders were liquidated. The Major of the Armed Forces and Deputy Commander of the 3 OSHBR Maxim Zhorin "Mose" said that stabilization actions are currently underway in the Kharkiv direction. "After successful assaults and freeing the territory, it is now necessary to consolidate," the military explained. According to him, the enemy is constantly trying to repel lost positions, throwing "more and more resources" on it.

However, the forces of the Armed Forces are successfully "erased" by defenders. We will remind, the commander of the 1st assault battalion 3 OSHBR Volodymyr Fokin informed that on August 16, the brigade fighters completed the assault and moved to stabilization. He explained that the enthusiastic battalion area of ​​defense was in fact a logistics route and the right flank of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.