
Paints shahd "from the can": Ignat told about the features of new tactics of attacks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

According to the speaker of the aerial forces, it is too early to assume that the "black" drones-Kamikadze can be many. Most likely, it was an experiment from the enemy. Russian invaders began to paint the drones of Kamikadze of Iranian origin of Shahd in a different color. They do it with a can. Air Force spokesman in an interview with RBC-Ukraine, which was published on December 4, told about it.

According to him, now some drones are black and for the first time such tactics were recorded during the attack on the night of November 25, when Kiev was attacked for the first time in a long time. "We saw a photo of a" shahada "black color. I personally saw it on the Internet. We concluded that it was painted, or additionally used composite material such as carbon, which can also be black in color" , - said Yuri Ignat.

At the same time, the spokesman of the Air Force continues, it cannot be argued that there are many such shock drones. According to some reports, during that attack, Black ShahED was one who may have released experimentally to see how Ukrainian air defense would react. "But it was also destroyed, as well as those who flew in the next days - it is already evident that the occupiers began to paint them" from the can ", - continues Yuri Ignat. in the sky.

He noted that this target is very difficult for fighters, because it flies low and slowly. They are designed to overcome the air defense. Every time they change these routes. It is more difficult to knock down for fighters. But as for other means, it is impossible to say that they are more difficult to impress than the winged rockets. Both goals are complex. Both goals are designed to overcome the air defense system.

It all depends either on the circumstances or the conditions of the terrain, " - says Yuri Ignat. By the way, radar systems see UAV without problems, as well as the winged rockets. With the help of this and other closed sources of information, the population begins to announce the likely danger. Many information and details do not provide because the enemy can use it for their purposes. Recall that December 4, details of the night massed shelling of Ukraine were reported.