
"I entered in plot": the Russians want to blame the commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Staff of Staff - "Athesh"

According to the underground, the occupation authorities of Sevastopol have ordered a new version of the blow to the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation from Moscow. The invaders are going to convince the local people that the attack had to hide the theft and there were no casualties. Russian invaders formed a version of events in Sevastopol and found "wine" in a blow to the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, which resulted in enemy officers.

The details of September 27 were shared in the social networks of the guerrilla movement "Atesh". "Atesh agent from the Sevastopol occupation administration reports that a meeting of the administration with law enforcement agencies on information policy was held," the publication reads. According to the source, the representative of the occupying power of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhayev passed the subordinate to Moscow that a certain "rumor" should be extended.

It is that the fleet commander Viktor Sokolov allegedly plotted with defense forces and was involved in the destruction of his own headquarters. "It was done, according to their version, to conceal the fact of theft by Admiral Sokolov and his deputy food, because it was at this time that they were tested," the guerrillas explained. In this way, the Russians are going to explain the lack of loss due to impact. The real data on the dead among the military is planned to be silenced.

"Such actions of the occupiers are additional proof that Sokolov's commander has been disposed of or severely injured. Also, doubts are the virtual appearance of Sokolov at a meeting with Shoig. "Atesh". The guerrilla agents reported that after the strike around the affected headquarters, more than 25 ambulance cars were charged. Eyewitnesses also saw doctors brought bags with bodies.

"There were many Sevastopolians witnesses, so they will not be able to hide the real state of affairs," - said the representatives of the movement. We will remind, according to the forces of special operations of the Armed Forces, as a result of a blow to the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation in Sevastopol, 34 officers were killed. Among them is the commander Viktor Sokolov. Another 105 Russian servicemen were injured.