
Similar to an alien. Why Humanoid Attacks causes so much controversial scientists

It is already known that this girl's mummy is of earth. Humanoid with attacks has continued to cause disputes among scientists for many years. The girl's mummified skeleton, only 15 cm high, was found in 2003 in an abandoned settlement in the Atacama Desert in Chile. Therefore, this mummy got this name.

In addition to extremely low growth, the mummy has a very elongated skull, large sockets, and most importantly, 20 ribs are found in the body of this humanoid, instead of the 24-necked person, IFLSCIENCE writes. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel. Subscribe to not miss the latest and fascinating news from the world of science! For the first time, one of the Chilean seekers of ancient artifacts in 2003 in the Atakam Desert was first mummified by the alien creature.

This well -preserved mummy mummy has been called Humanoid attacks or just ata. After the story has gained popularity, many people have argued that it is a skeleton of an alien being. In 2013, a well -known American popularizer of UFO existence and aliens, Stephen Grir, stated that this skeleton belongs to an extraterrestrial creature and for 1000 years. Grair also argued that this find was confirmed by the fact that aliens in contact with the ancient civilizations of the Earth.

It was thanks to the grate that the attention of the academic community was drawn to the study of this unusual mummy. In 2018, a complete genetic analysis of the remains of an unusual 15-cm creature with an elongated skull and with fewer ribs was carried out. Scientists have made their verdict: it is not an alien, but a mummy of a premature girl, that is, a man. The exact age of the premature fruit could not be established, but scientists decided that mummies are about 500 years old.

DNA analysis also showed that the fetus has 7 genes that are associated with improper development or mutation of the bones of the body and skull. These mutations also led to premature aging of bones and dwarfism, which explains very small height. The same mutations led to changes in the number of ribs and the elongated skull. But not all scientists agreed with these conclusions.

Some researchers have stated that genetic mutations were here to nothing, and most likely the elongated skull was the result of complications during pregnancy or childbirth, or appeared as a result of the body mummification process. Other scientists have stated that the detected mutations were not related to these skeletal pathologies, at least they could not affect it in the early period of development of the child.

To date, everyone agrees that it is exactly a human child, but how such changes have happened with it, there are still many versions. The history of discovering an unusual mummy also has its own peculiarities, and this explains why the study of these remains is a controversial issue. According to a common version, the hunter on ancient artifacts Oscar Munyos found a mummy wrapped in a white cloth inside the leather bag in the abandoned Chilean town of La Noria.

A few years later, gumnoid was attacked by one of the inhabitants of Barcelona, ​​Spain. The Chilean Council of National Monuments stated that these remains were illegally exhumed and smuggled were taken out of the country. Therefore, many scientists doubted the ethics of the genetic studies of the skeleton, not least because he could have an illegal mark in his history. The Atacama Desert, which is in Chile, a country in South America, is the most dry desert in the world.

The conditions in this rocky landscape are so harsh that scientists used it to simulate flights on Mars. At the same time, mummified human remains are sometimes found in the desert. Strong heat and lack of moisture turn the body into a mummy naturally. But on the other hand, the representatives of the ancient culture of Dzhchorro specifically left the bodies in the desert so that they could turn into a mummy. However, the human organs and brain were pulled before.