
In Russia, a new "August-VS5D" complex was tested: whether it became more dangerous for the Drones of the Armed Forces

The technique can work against single purposes and against swarms of drones. The system identifies and suppresses UAVs, searching for communication channels and drone management. The Roshelekronics Holding Research Institute has successfully protested the upgraded August-VS5D anti-ranging complex at one of Russia's energy infrastructure. The message appeared on the manufacturer's website.

According to the developer, the complex combines the functions of detection and counteraction to small unmanned aerial vehicles. It can work against single goals and against swarms of drones. The system identifies and suppresses the spruce drones, looking for communication channels and control of drones. System processing algorithms provide effective detection of drones, minimizing false work. UAV suppression is carried out automatically at a distance of 5 km.

The Vector Research Institute noted that the modernized complex "August-VS5D" successfully passed the approbation and confirmed all the stated characteristics. It has the ability to work on sectors of 360 degrees and 90 degrees with independent modes, which allows it to be used for various tasks, in particular for monitoring of transmission lines and pipelines. The system of suppression of drones was first shown in February 2023.

The complex should inhibit the control channels of the unmanned aerial vehicle and disrupt the operation of the onboard receiver of global navigation satellite systems. As a result, the operator can no longer manage UAVs, and the drone itself, cannot accept commands and perform the necessary tasks. According to the creators, "August-VS5" works in five frequency ranges-from 900 MHz to 5. 8 GHz. This makes it possible to use it not only against civilians, but also against special aircraft.

The complex "sees" spruce in the sector is 360 degrees by horizontal axis. Communication with its own management point is through the Ethernet network. The equipment makes it possible to "stuff" several channels at the same time, which protects objects from attacks at the same time several UAVs, including those flying from different sides. We will remind, in the second half of November in Russia boasted the improvement of antitrone complexes "Serp".

The developer stated that Russian engineers plan to equip "August-VS6" and "August-VS5" with a universal detector, which will automatically recognize the frequencies of control channels of drones. Thanks to these complexes it will be easier to suppress aircraft. We also wrote that in the second half of August in Russia showed the newest complex of "Serp BP-5".