
Apocalypse from Trump: Why is the Republican playing the Russian Federation on the situation in Kursk region

Former US President, and now the candidate for this position, Donald Trump states that the Kursk operation is a harbinger of the Third World War. Why the Republican actually plays the Kremlin, and whether he will change his position in the event of winning the election on November 5, found out the focus. The US Presidential Candidate from the Republican Party, 78-year-old Donald Trump, apparently opposes the Ukrainian operation in the Kursk region.

In particular, he calls the attack on the territory of the Armed Forces that "the Third World War is closer than ever. " "Look what is happening in Ukraine! They are rushing into Russia! What does it mean? And it means that you will have the Third World War," Trump quotes The Independent.

The Republican announced this statement recently, speaking to the National Guard Association in Detroit shortly after visiting a memorial service at the Arlington National Cemetery in the US military who died as a result of a terrorist attack in Afghanistan in 2021. We will remind, then the suicide bomber during the chaotic withdrawal of US troops deprived the lives of 13 US military personnel.

It is very significant that about a week ago, Trump stated that the Third World War could happen if he loses the presidential election. According to him, the world also stands on the threshold of the New World War through the fighting in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas and the Russian-Ukrainian war. "If we win, everything will be resolved very quickly. If not, you will receive great wars in the Middle East and possibly the Third World War.

You are now closer to it than ever because our country is governed by incompetent people," -said the ex-president. The Kremlin has already responded to Donald Trump's fresh statements. Commenting on them, the Putin speaker Peskov noted that many Western countries "climbed into a conflict in Ukraine. " At the same time, he added that today there is every reason for concern, so such "alarmist" statements can be treated.

"Appeals such as in the Kursk region are acts that are escalated to the limit," the Kremlin spokesman summed up. Meanwhile, the experts with whom the focus spoke is convinced that Donald Trump is playing their game, the rules of which dynamically rewrite directly on the go.

In particular, political scientist Viktor Nevzhenko in conversation with Focus notes: "It is obvious that Trump's statement that Kursk operation can lead to the Third World War is favorable for Moscow, not for Kiev or Europe in general. However, it should be understood that every candidate should be understood In addition to the voters, the US presidents have to intimidate and blackmail them. And the second map that China is a very bad state.

When Trump says that Kursk operation is a harbinger of the Third World War, he said, though he understands it well, "forgets" that the Third World began in February 2022. "Trump's task is to look like an international player now, not just a local politician, so he constantly and" pumps "the theme of the Russian-Ukrainian war, although in fact, he, by the way, in Democrats, does not have a clear and consistent plan of that, at present, he has a clear and consistent plan How to complete this war. .

And what he stated that he could complete a war that lasts for 2. 5 years in a few days, indicates that he is a completely demagogical character who, in the event of a white house, can safely He just joked, " - says Viktor Nevzhenko. According to the expert, in the event of Victory in the Trump election, it will quickly change its rhetoric and begin to seriously worry peace in Europe, "not the fact that the Third World War, which is already coming, will come.

" Currently, the political scientist states, "as a latent Putin fan" Trump systematically played to the Russians. At the same time, the expert emphasizes that the Republican will play only the Russian propaganda, not the army of the Russian Federation. "Russian propaganda with delight picks up the words of Trump and sets up with statements, they say, here is an extremely good peacemaker.

But in fact, both Trump and Kremlin pipes are well aware that the war will not end quickly, who would not receive the keys to the oval office in the presidential election. In the United States on November 5, " - sums up Viktor Nevzhenko. Political scientist Maxim Jigun, in conversation with focus, emphasizes: "I would not look for any conspiracy theories of Trump's headquarters with Moscow.

Trump's fresh statements that Kursk surgery is the way to the Third World War, as for me The efforts of the Republican candidate team within their political technological narrative to draw apocalyptic scenarios that can happen in the event of a losing. on the world stage.

" Emphasizing that according to polls one of the weakest links of the four -year -old Baiden, Americans consider foreign policy, the expert summarized: "That is why Trump tries in every possible way to earn himself as many political dividends in this direction, saying that if he does not come to power, then he does not come to power. The World War will begin, and China will be overwhelmed by the US in all senses, and North Korea will start its nuclear weapons.

Jinping, Putin, Kim Jong -in and other leaders of totalitarian and authoritarian states. " The political scientist predicts that in the event of victory, Donald Trump will immediately start meeting with those "heavy guys" in order to solve the problems that seemed to accumulate during Biden's reign as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Maxim Dzhigun states, and the great joy that is currently heard from Peskov's mouth and other people from Putin's environment can change very quickly, as Trump, "unlike the pigeons of peace in Baiden or Harris, who stand for the face Diplomatic settlement, used to play from the standpoint of strength, pointing to everyone how to act and what just needs to be silent.

" "Of course, this position of Trump in the event of his victory will not like Putin and as a result of Trump's plan" Victory for 24 hours "will turn into acts of radical support of Ukraine and physical knocking of the Russian army from the territory of Ukraine. But now Russian propaganda eagerly uses such sweet statements for them which are heard from Trump's mouth in order to confirm the correctness of his terrorist activity against Ukraine, " - says Maxim Jigun.

Separately, the political scientist emphasizes that Trump candidate and Trump-president are actually two different political figures that will act and work differently. Meanwhile, according to Reuters/IPSOS survey on August 29, US presidential candidate from Kamal's Democratic Party has increased the separation from Trump. In particular, the nationwide rating of Harris Stones in the survey is 45%, while Donald Trump - 41%.

Thus, the distance between them increased from three percentages, as it was at the end of July, to four. National surveys give important signals about the views of the American electorate, but the election winner determines the results of voting in each state, reminiscent of Reuters.