
The media writes that the Russian Federation asked Kazakhstan about the reserve stock of gasoline: in Astana reacted

According to the head of the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan Schingis Ilyasov, the information that Moscow has asked Astana to form a reserve of 100,000 tons of gasoline, is not true. Kazakhstan's Energy Minister Schingis Ilyasov denied Reuters that Moscow had asked Astana to form a reserve of 100 thousand tons gasoline in the case of deficit. About it writes Russian news agency TASS on April 8.

Ilyasov states that so far such a request by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation allegedly did not receive. "Therefore, the information is not confirmed," the minister said. We will remind, on April 8, Reuters reported with reference to three sources that Moscow asked Kazakhstan to create an emergency reserve of 100,000 tons of gasoline, ready for supply to the Russian Federation, in case of shortage due to UAV strikes.

One source of the publication reported that the Russian Federation Agreement from Kazakhstan has already been agreed. In addition, according to journalists, Belarus agreed to help Russia with gasoline supplies. The agency also noted that the AI-92 gasoline reserves in Kazakhstan were 307 700 tons, and gasoline reserves AI-95-58,000 tons.

Earlier, on April 4, Roszma reported that due to the attacks of Ukrainian UAVs in the last seven days of March the production of gasoline in the Russian Federation decreased by 110. 7 thousand tons per day, which is less than 12%compared to February, the production of diesel - up to 231 thousand tons for A day, which is 3. 5% less than February. According to NATO officials of April 4, the strikes on the refinery in Russia may have led to a violation of more than 15% of the country's capacity.