
"Stretching was - from stack of books to piano": The wife of Igor Pid Pay told how the occupiers wanted to kill her husband

During the occupation of Vorzel, the Pskov paratroopers were equipped in the house of Igor Pid Lad and his wife. The occupiers crushed souvenirs, drank elite alcohol, destroyed a book about the composer himself, and finally "stuffed" the premises of mines and grenades. The Russian soldiers, who lived in the house of Ukrainian composer Igor Ladya during the occupation of Vorzel, deliberately tried to kill an elderly man, installing stretching in his office.

The composer Svetlana's wife, a "Observer", told about what their home after de -occupation. In conversation with journalists, she remembered that in the house during the occupation of the Kiev region lived officers of the Pskov landing and assault division, who shot civilians in Bucha. In a private house, the Russians arranged a headquarters and came there to rest and sleep after terror in a neighboring city.

"That is, they went, shot people there, created other horrors, and then returned to us, played on our billiards, music on the piano. They ate everything they could, drank everything that was in the house," Svetlana Petty said. After the invaders were knocked out of Vorzel and the composer's family was able to return to herself, the woman to the depths of the soul struck several points.

One of them concerned that the Pskov paratroopers, apparently, first saw in their lives a good dishes, because they used all the plates, pots and even servicing for guests in their life. In addition, the military attracted the souvenir - a small violin, in the middle of which was a bottle of vodka. The amount of alcoholic beverage was small - all 200 grams, but the occupiers attracted the very opportunity to get it from a musical instrument.

As a result, they rolled the violin, breaking the strings on the tool and breaking the body. At the same time in the house of the composer there was a bar with much more alcohol than the one that the Russians got after the souvenir was destroyed. In addition, Svetlana the deposit to the tears was struck by the condition of the bathroom in the house. Due to the lack of water supply and, apparently, the large number of occupiers who live in the composer's house, the room looked awful.

But the most impressed the woman was that Russian officers used sheets of books on the life and activity of the composer instead of toilet paper. "They used not toilet paper (and I was a hostess, there were many in the house), but with stiff sheets from the layout of our book about Igor Dmitrovich. The whole floor was in these sheets used. And they were officers," his wife shared with journalists. .

Svetlana also expressed gratitude to the Ukrainian sappers who exchanged the house before the owners re -entered. When retreating, the invaders were replacing the house from which the military headquarters were arranged. "They saw photos, posters of concerts. And they even replaced the office. And the stretch was - from stack of books to the piano. That is, he opened the book and - everything.

What was the way they were disturbed by the old composer who wanted to blow up, pushing all over the stretch house?" - asked the rhetorical question the wife of Igor Ladya. It should be noted that Igor Pposter is a Soviet and Ukrainian composer. Hero of Ukraine (2021), People's Artist of Ukraine (1997), Laureate of the Shevchenko Prize (1986). In 2022, Vorzel survived the Russian troops and was evacuated among other residents of the village.

We will remind, a little earlier Svetlana Pid Talked about the last days of Joseph Kobzon. Her husband - the famous Ukrainian composer Igor Pomad - was friends with Kobzon for over 50 years. The communication had to be stopped after Joseph Davidovich began to actively support the aggressive anti -Ukrainian policy of the Russian Federation. We also wrote that on February 15, 82-year-old composer Igor Pid Pm and his wife suffered from the attack of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.