
The Russian Federation attacked Ukraine with "daggers", X-101 and drones: there is a clump in residential buildings in Lviv (photo)

At about 5am, very powerful explosions began to be heard in Lviv. Subsequently, the local authorities reported that several residential buildings near the Lviv Main Railway Station were lit up as a result of a rocket attack. Six victims in the regional center are now known. On the night of September 3 to September 4, Russian occupation troops carried out a combined attack on the territory of Ukraine. The sounds of explosions have heard in different areas.

The air alarm map remained red for all regions of Ukraine for a long time. The focus has gathered all the well -known information at this time. After midnight, the Air Force of Ukraine began to report the movement of shock UAVs in different directions, in particular, it was reported: at 1:52 ps of the Armed Forces reported that five bombers of Tu-95MC had taken off from the airfield "deer".

"The activity of 5-95MCs from the Alexe Aerodrome, which makes flight in the southeastern direction, is noted," the message said. Later, the aircraft reported that a shock drone was flying towards Kiev. The Kyiv City Military Administration noted that aircraft operated on the capital. After the fourth night, the air forces began to report missile hazards, in particular for Chernihiv and Kyiv region. At 4:54, focus correspondent reported the first powerful explosions in Lviv.

The mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovy warned the locals first about the threat of "Shahanedov", and at 5:50 about "daggers in Lviv". According to the head of the Lviv Ova Maxim Kozytsky, the missiles entered the territory of Lviv region around 5:45. "Yes, very loud. We keep the information silence," Kozitsky wrote. At that time, the entire territory of Ukraine was red: in all areas there was an alarm. Subsequently, Maxim Kozytsky reported that the missile attack had damaged residential buildings.

At 6:24 Andrey Sadovyi reported that housing houses lit up next to the main railway station, many windows were flying in houses in the railway district of the city. At 6:43 Andrey Sadovyi reported that a 10-year-old boy was injured as a result of attack on Lviv. "There are already known 6 victims as a result of an attack on Lviv. Among them is a 10-year-old boy. Doctors provide the necessary help," Sadovy wrote. The explosions were also heard in the Kiev region.

The correspondent of the focus reported about several loud explosions in Kryvyi Rih at about six in the morning. In addition, the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces at 6:13 reported a speed target from the Black Sea in the direction of Odessa region. In addition to Lviv, there was no information about the victims in other regions, except Lviv at the time of the material. As of 7 am, air alarm lasted in all regions of Ukraine with the exception of Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson.