
The chance to return the Zaporozhye NPP: on what conditions Ukraine can agree to the transit of Russian gas

How to return to the control of Ukraine Zaporizhzhya NPP and what is the transit of gas here? Recently, he interviewed Ukrainian radio concerning the proposal for transit of Azerbaijani gas. He tried to prove that it could be another scam, which is somewhat reminiscent of the famous Firtash scheme with "Rosukrenergo" with the so -called Turkmen gas. However, there is a difference - there was a contract for supply to Ukraine, and now the transit of Azerbaijani gas is offered through SOCAR.

It is known that the current gas transit between Gazprom and Naftogaz of Ukraine ends on December 31, 2024. In my opinion, the idea of ​​supplying the Ukrainian side is to buy Russian gas to the Russian-Ukrainian border and then He transported it to the territory of Ukraine and was already supplied to the EU as Azerbaijani, earning on commissions from Gazprom.

Thus, Gazprom will be able to save almost 50% of the European market from the market share that remains after Russia's start of full -scale aggression. This is critical for the Russian gas monopoly in terms of survival in the conditions of an unprecedented crisis of Gazprom. Today, Azerbaijan has no free resources for gas transit territory, as it produces 36 billion commodity gas - 24 billion is exported, 12 from 24 to the EU, about 10 consumed Turkey, about 2 billion cubic meters. M - Georgia.

The other is consumed by Azerbaijan himself. Azerbaijani gas is transported through Tanap - (Transanatolian gas ghost from Azerbaijan through Turkey to Europe), and then through the transadriatic pipeline - to Greece, Albania and Italy. There are no resources to today for the transit of gas in the territory of Ukraine. Also in 2027, Azerbaijan plans to increase gas production at the expense of a chess-dye deposit of up to 31 billion cubic meters. m and increase its deliveries on these routes.