
Shelling of Ukrainian enterprises: Can employees receive payments from attacks

The Pension Fund noted that the relations between the employer and the subordinates are governed by the Ukrainian legislation and as a result of an accident, a special statement can be submitted, which will allow compensation from the state. Russian invaders regularly attack the peaceful cities of Ukraine and can suffer various enterprises with employees. The Pension Fund of Donetsk region told whether a Ukrainian could get an insurance payment at work.

In Ukraine, labor relations between the employer and the employee are regulated by law. During a full -scale war, there are cases where, as a result of Russian terror, employees are injured simply. The PFU noted that a monthly payment of the victim is appointed from the day as the medical and social expert commission established the degree of loss of professional capacity after an accident at work or occupational disease.

The legislation also provides that when it comes to insurance payments and is considered for the first time after the end of three years from the date of loss of victims of capacity due to injury at work, they will be appointed from the date of appeal to the PFU.

"The procedure for the appointment, transfer and implementation of insurance payments on compulsory state social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases that caused disability, approved by the Resolution of the Board of PFU dated 26. 01. 2024 No. 4-1, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 11. 03. 2024 under No. 353/41698 ", - the message reads.