
"Scattered on trees": Ukrainian drone "Baba Yaga" tore on pieces of BMP of the Russians (video)

Baba Yaga drones can carry ammunition weighing up to 20 kilograms. Among the Russians say that such UAVs are taken away even wounded soldiers. The Ukrainian military destroyed the Russian BMP-3 with the help of a heavy drone, probably Hexacopter "Baba Yaga". The relevant videos were posted by the editor-in-chief of the media "Censor. NET" Yuri Butusov in his Telegram channel on Tuesday, October 3. In the first video, one of the Russian soldiers came to the place of destruction of the armored car.

He shot what was happening on his smartphone. According to the occupier, at night, Baba Yaga drone dropped a jet grenade on military equipment. The military was surprised by the accuracy of the ammunition and the consequences to which it led - only burned pieces of metal remained from armored vehicles. The BMP was torn into several parts: the tower flew far from the parts of the body, and the tracks thrown on the branches of surviving trees.

A little later, Yuri Butusov showed another video in his Telegram. On it the Ukrainian military prepare the drone for combat departure and supply it to ammunition. After that, Baba Yaga goes to the forest where the occupants are standing. The drone drops its payload and affects the target. After that Baba Yaga returns to the UAV operator. Ukrainian defenders on the front use the UAV "Army of drones", which the Russian invaders called "Baba Yaga".

The propaganda media even wrote that the drone can take from the battlefield of wounded Russian invaders, which is also equipped with special "claws". The general name "Baba Yaga" is called the type of agricultural drones that have high load, good navigation and autonomous course. These are heavy industrial drones - hexocopectors, processed by the Armed Forces for combat missions. In hostilities, the drone destroys the warehouses, live power and cars of the invaders.

Our pilots are used mainly at night to be less noticeable. And in the afternoon - they test it with a new explosive. The drone works autonomously - the operators indicate the coordinates, the drone flies to the target, drops the ammunition, then returns on its own. Baba Yaga can carry a payload, weighing up to 20 kilograms. Baba-Yaga drone is usually equipped with several radio channels protected from navigation obstacles at different frequencies.

With full loading, the drone rises not higher than 30 meters and flies at a speed of not more than 40 km/h. A little earlier, the military showed how the FPV-Dron spectacularly destroyed the Russian Carnation. The invaders tried to hide the artillery plant under a masking net among the trees, but the Ukrainian military tracked it and attacked. And on July 4 it became known that the Bryansk region attacked the drones of "Baba Yaga".