
"Can save dozens of lives": Ukrainians have used a new system to protect against drones of the Russian Federation

An inexpensive device called "Pluto" will warn the Armed Forces of the approach of Russian drones and prevent large losses on the front or in the rear. In Ukraine, a new Pluto system began to be tested to identify Russian unmanned aerial vehicles, which could save the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which was injured by a Russian blow in the Zaporozhye region.

About this a Ukrainian military expert in the field of radio technologies Sergey Beskrestnov with the call sign "Flash" wrote on his Facebook page on November 5. According to him, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation used a drone capable of flying into the rear 25 kilometers to strike a location, where the Armed Forces fighters were awarded in honor of Artillery Day.

Any, even the simplest detector would warn Ukrainian soldiers about the approach of the drone so that they could find shelters, but there was no such equipment at the site of the tragedy. Currently, the Armed Forces of Ukraine need tens of thousands of UAV detectors to avoid Russian plaque, but in the second year of a full-scale war, the production and supply of such devices are engaged only in amateur volunteers, so they are lacking in the forefront, despite relatively low cost.

"The box for three thousand hryvnias could save dozens of lives," the expert summarized. However, the Ukrainian company "Infragist" is currently testing a new development in this direction - the Pluto system designed to determine and warn about the appearance of UAVs of the enemy on the battlefield. The developers propose to install such equipment in command and surgery or headquarters to protect them from air attacks.

The device consists of an antenna, amplifier, control module and signal processing unit. Pluto has samples of signals of different Russian UAVs, which is very convenient for the Ukrainian military. The special panel shows the signal level and type of drone: aircraft, shock or ordinary drone, as well as an approximate distance to it - a maximum of 10 km. Sergiy Beskrestnov reported that he had experienced Pluto at a distance of 50, 30.

15, 7 and 4 kilometers from the front line and was convinced that the data provided by the system coincided with the fact that the analyzer of the radio frequency spectrum and SDR receptionist shows. The expert also noticed the lack of equipment - it cannot simultaneously display several UAVs that circle over the area. However, it is only the first prototype of Pluto, which should be improved in the future.

"For example," Orlan "is twisting 7 km away, the device sees it and signals to me that the intelligence wing is nearby. It is nearby, but flies somewhere along the front. And in the meantime," Superkoms "quickly approach me, and I do not understand that . "Orlan" closed it, "said Sergei Beskrestnov.

For his part, a representative of the company "Infragist" in a comment to Defense Express noted that in the near future the military for testing and further improvement will be transferred to the pre -production batch of Pluto system. In view of the experience gained, serial samples of this development will be created. We will remind, on July 14 we wrote that in Ukraine created a compact detector of drones.