
What prevents Ukraine from getting Taurus missiles and why Scholtz behaves as a child - an expert (video)

Scholtz is obviously a weak -character person who cannot take serious responsibility, says Maxim Nesvitaylov. He tries to simply "go between drops", but for the leader of such a powerful state in the times of such a global crisis, it is unacceptable, the expert says. After the Bundestag made a recommendation for the transfer of Taurus long -range missiles to Prime Minister Olaf Soltz, who vetoed this decision, looks unlucky. In turn, French President Emmanuel Macron intercepts leadership in Europe.

This was stated in an interview with focus by international expert Maxim Nesvitaylov. In his opinion, Scholz's statement about the need to send a German contingent that no one wants to send to the missile rockets and control of missiles, which in turn does not want to send, looks ridiculous. Scholtz was already confused in the reasons for refusal to transfer Taurus missiles, says the expert. "He just invents some excuses as a child asked to take a football ball from home," Nesvitaylov emphasizes.

"He says that my mother will not let me go or something and thus gives European leadership to France Macron President. " The expert believes that Scholt can delay the transfer of missiles through an electorate, which is sufficiently skeptical of such decisive action and is afraid of a hybrid attack on Germany. And perhaps on closed channels Russia threatens Germany. "It is still worth considering the historical guilt of the Germans before the Russians," Nesvitaylov says.

"Although for some reason the Germans forgot to the Ukrainians for the Second World War. Moscow was simply monopolized by all sacrifices and suffering and constantly playing the victim of the victim of the past war. " Scholz is obviously a weak person who cannot take serious responsibility, the expert notes. He tries to simply "go between drops", but for the leader of such a powerful state in the times of such a global crisis, this is unacceptable.

Against the backdrop of Scholz's hesitation, the statements of France Emmanuel Macron are pleasantly surprised about the possibility of Western troops, although no one could even dream about it, notes the expert. The Macron's statement has warmed up interest around Ukraine, especially after the US assistance was shaking. "It must be understood that the macron does not hang the burden of elections now, so he can afford unusual steps," Nesvitaylov says.

"It may be in his political plans to move to the level of pan -European policy after the current second presidential term. " According to the international expert, some reforms are raised in the EU, and the Macron will claim one of the leading positions in the renovated institutions of the European Union. Moreover, according to Nesvitaylov, Marcon lives politics and therefore he will not leave a policy, and therefore he needs to actualize himself as a strong leader in Europe.