
Goals for ATACMS in Russia. When the US is allowed to attack Russian military objects

On May 22, the House of Representatives of the US Congress raised the issue of banning US weapons on military facilities in Russia. Legislators believe that such a policy allowed the Russian troops to advance in the north of the Kharkiv region. Focus found out why the US was delayed with a response to calls and whether Kiev can count on front weapons.

The Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, Republican Michael McCol showed an artillery deployment map for strikes in Ukraine from Russia. The Armed Forces cannot respond to provocations, and in the situation guilty of the White House Advisor Jake Sullivan, Congressman said. "Your administration [US President Joe Baiden] and Jake Sullivan restricted the use of weapons so that Ukraine could not protect yourself and give a break in Russia.

I would consent to long -range systems as well as Himars. Your administration binds to Ukrainians hand behind the back. I spoke With the Ukrainians, they cannot win these restrictions that you, not Congress, have imposed on them, "McCol said to a meeting of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. The Secretary of State only said the cohesion of 50 countries to provide military assistance to Ukraine.

The debate in the House of Representatives of The New York Times was noted for Blinken's position: the diplomat began to maintain a prohibition on blows for purposes in the Russian Federation after a "dilapidated" trip to Kiev. The New York Times interlocutors claim that Blinken clearly did not like the unpunished opening of the new front in the Kharkiv region. Moscow knew that the Armed Forces would only answer drones and other weapons of their own production, indicated by the interlocutors.

Now officials in the White House are holding vigorous debate to weaken the ban on rocket and artillery launchers in Russia. The military authorities still do not approve of such risky ideas: the Pentagon opposes the use of weapons from the United States. Discussions can be conducted solely on the provision of air defense systems to Kiev, said the spokesman of the US Department of Defense General Patrick Ryder.

According to Alexander Kraev, the director of the North America Program, Alexander Kraev, a positive step was to approve US Congress Congress for military assistance for Ukraine for $ 61 billion. It also has long -range means of damage. "Once we will be delivered to ATACMS with a whole combat part, logically ask the states if they will not resist the targets in Russia? Obviously, Kiev should wait for" Green Light "and build new military plans," - says Focus expert.

American weapons in Ukraine for Russians are much more important than European and British. Moscow, as Kraev says, has successfully imposed Washington thesis over the last 30 years about the duty to limit themselves, threatening the most rigid answer. However, negotiations on the use of a farm tool by the Ukrainian military are far from the final point.

In the states, the moment of indecision prevails: a powerful stumbling block remains the position of Baiden's administration, which affects the Pentagon. Ahead of Ukrainian diplomats - work with the executive power of the states, convinced Kraev. More than 50,000 Russian soldiers are concentrated near Kharkiv and Sumy regions, which poses a very serious threat to the two regions.

First of all, the event should be permitted by ATACMS missiles or other missiles for M142 Himars at a distance of more than 50 kilometers deep into Russia, according to the Colonel of the Armed Forces, military expert Petro Chernik. "In Kharkiv region, let it not be large, but a bridgehead. The main Russian forces are at a distance of 50-60 kilometers from the border with Ukraine.

You will not get them, they will not be stupid-they are not sitting in the tent cities and do not expect to arrival of drones. The Russians rose. In the forests, and the forests can be filled with cassette ammunition. At the operational distances 150-200 kilometers from the border can be located networks of aerodromes and helicopters, places of accumulation of military equipment, management points and logistical railway nodes, he added.

Other weapons, such as AGM158 Jassm, American high -precision winged rocket, "Air - surface", developed by Lockheed Martin, will also be suitable. The projectile affects important, highly protected stationary and moved goals. Some modifications reach 900 kilometers, adds Chernik. "With the help of AGM158 JASSM, the Armed Forces could affect any goals in the Russian Federation. There are Jadm bombs of different calibers that plan, 110 kilometers.

The problem in the media is needed planes," the analyst explains. The Russians have a qualitative advantage in bombs, which are planned and adjusted because the Western countries did not produce them in such a large number. The French AASM Hammer is compatible with Su-24 and MiG-29 aircraft, but there are few in Paris, Chernik summed up.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared the forced creation of a safety zone, the so -called "sanitary zone" deep from Ukraine from the borders from the Russian Federation to protect border territories. Putin accused Kiev at the beginning of the offensive of the invaders in the Kharkiv region, as the Armed Forces fired the border areas, including Belgorod. "They shoot right in the city center, in residential quarters.

And I spoke in public that if this continues, we will have to create a safety area, a sanitary area. That's what we do," he explained. Chernik draws attention to the error in terms. The sanitary area, or the security area of ​​at least 50 kilometers for the removal of artillery systems 100 mm or more, was registered in the Minsk agreements in the event of the end of the war for two parties.

"Now Putin came up with a story for the population of Russia - he promises to come up with something that will allow them to prevent blows in their territory. There is nothing more than propaganda," the expert said. Some Russian military experts have suggested that the "sanitary zone" along the border of Russia and Ukraine can range from 50 to 500 kilometers. The distance is allegedly dependent on the use of long -range missiles.

The head of the occupation administration of Zaporizhzhya region Yevgen Balytskyi said that the "sanitary zone" should occupy at least 300 kilometers near the borders. What the "sanitary zone" represents and how it will be created is not even explained by Vladimir Putin. We will remind, on May 18 the Armed Forces hit the HIMAR RSSU on the building of the occupation administration in Skadovsk Kherson region. As a result, 11 collaborators, including police, were injured.