
If Biden does not like Zelensky - you need to look for other paths: political scientist about blows to the Russian Federation

Ukrainian diplomacy should be better worked so that Kyiv has permission to beat the Russian Federation as soon as possible. Political scientist Viktor Bobirenko emphasizes that special attention should be paid to the Presidents of France and Poland, to whom Joe Biden listens. One way or another, the US and Germany will have to give permission to use its weapons in the Russian Federation, as other countries of the West did.

However, in order for this to happen as soon as possible it is necessary to work well for Ukrainian diplomats, as well as to establish a closer connection with the presidents of France and Poland. Political scientist Viktor Bobirenko said this in an interview with focus. One of the main reasons why Germany opposes strokes in the Russian Federation is the total pacifism of the nation after the First and Second World War, the expert notes.

In his opinion, today the Germans are probably the most non -duty people in Europe. "But in the United States the situation is somewhat different. There they are afraid of escalation with Russia and the main" pigeons of peace "are Biden and his National Security Advisor Sullivan," says political scientist. "Biden, who grew up as a politician during the Cold War, believes that it is needed Not escalation, but economic pressure, as it was once with the USSR, which through the economy and fell.

" But, according to Bobireko, today the situation is fundamentally different, because on the side of Russia is China, which has become a very developed and one of the leaders of the world economy. The Russian Federation has put the industry on military rails and today produces more times more ammunition than all Europe. "This is a kind of paradox, because by economic indicators a huge Russian Federation is several times poorer than Europe," the political scientist emphasizes.

"But economic pressure without the help of the USA will not be able to overthrow such a giant as Russia. " According to the political scientist, in order to get permission to beat the Russian Federation by long -range Western missiles to destroy the accumulation of an enemy in the rear, it is necessary to work better Ukrainian diplomacy. Particular attention should be paid to the Presidents of France and Poland, and of course, the United Kingdom, to which Biden listens.

"We need to use all their capabilities," Bobirenko notes. "Well, Zelensky Biden does not like it, but Ermak Blinken, we need to look for other ways and approaches. Let Biden listen to Duda or Macron, then we will get everything we need for the defense of Ukraine, for example , part of the Patriot systems, which only in the Americans are idle of more than a hundred pieces.