
Out of sanctions: EU buys Russian fertilizers again

In addition to natural gas, petroleum products, EU metal purchases in the Russian Federation and fertilizers. In the third quarter of 2023, the share of imports of the latter returned to the pre -war level. The trade of European countries with Russia was greatly influenced by import and export anti -Russian sanctions imposed by the European Union after a full -scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine.

However, the import of some positions, in particular, fertilizer returned the share of the pre -war level. This is evidenced by Eurostat data. Seasonally adjusted values ​​indicate that Russia's share in imports outside the EU fell from 9. 5% in February 2022 to 2. 0% in September 2023, while the share of exports outside the EU fell from 3. 8% to 1. 4 % over the same period. Basically, the European Union buys natural gas, petroleum products, nickel, iron, steel and fertilizers in Russia.

The Russian Federation was replaced by China. It became the main supplier of cast iron and steel after the fall of imports from Russia. Russia's share in imports beyond the EU decreased for most key products: from 9. 5% in February 2022 to 2% as of September 2023. In general, natural gas, oil, nickel, iron and steel and fertilizers are about two -thirds of total imports from Russia outside the EU. EU exports to Russia have fallen from 3. 8% of all exports outside the EU to 1.

4% during the reporting period. In March 2022, the Peak EU trade deficit with Russia amounted to 18. 6 billion euros due to high energy prices. The deficit decreased to 100 million euros in March 2023 and increased slightly (to 1 billion euros) as of September 2023. From the third quarter of 2021 to the third quarter of 2023, the share of Russia in the import of natural gas to the EU decreased by 27 percentage points.

The share in imports of petroleum products - for 25 pp, nickel - by 14 pp, steel - by 9 pp. However, fertilizer trade demonstrates another picture. Russia's share in imports beyond the EU decreased from 27% in the third quarter of 2021 to 17% in the third quarter of 2022, but returned to 27% in the third quarter of 2023. We will remind, focus gave the results of the investigation that Russia had gone sanctions and received important details for Mi-8 helicopters from the Czech Republic.