
Minus 17 pieces of equipment and a bunch of corpses: the Armed Forces tried to repel the plant in Vovchansk (photo)

The Ukrainian military says that the armored vehicles of the Russians were "under the" paved by paratroopers. The enemy tried to storm the aggregate plant in Vovchansk. However, the Ukrainian military successfully repelled the hostile assault and destroyed a large number of Russian military and equipment, reports Lieutenant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with Alex in Telegram channel on Monday, September 30. "The guys confidently met 17 units under the*Rivor armor in the Vovchansk direction.

In addition to destroyed iron, a bunch of corpses are lying around them, as almost all boxes were with a landing landing," he said. The Officer of the Israeli Defense Army, the military observer, the editor of Focus Igal Levin, with reference to Russian channels, notes that the purpose of the attack was a new capture of the aggregate plant, which recently cleaned Gur IU fighters after a long siege.

"That is, the Russians sacrificed their people in an extremely meat adventure to try again to capture a plant, the maintenance of which was already worth the great casualties in the environment," he added. It should be reminded that on September 24, the GUR's units were released from the Russian invaders by the Vovchansky aggregate plant in Kharkiv region and destroyed the occupiers in all buildings of the enterprise.

The operation was carried out by several special groups, including "Stugna", "Paragon", RDC, "Junger", BDC and "Terror", and it lasted for several months - from the moment of blocking of the Russian units in June. After the factory is released, the situation in the Kharkiv direction remains extremely difficult, as it has become the main goal for the enemy. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation try to storm Ukrainian positions, the hottest plot is the Volchansk district.