
"Large -scale mobilization": how Putin will use the Armed Forces surgery in the Russian Federation for "secret" call

Russia motivates its citizens to join the army with high payments, while the durables are pressed to sign contracts. By the end of 2024, Moscow wants to increase the number of troops in the territory of Ukraine to 800 thousand, said Deputy Minister of Defense Ivan Havrylyuk. The Russian Federation plans to carry out hidden mobilization to increase the number of troops at the front in Ukraine. This was reported by Bild Analysts Jeanne Plaumann and Julian Ryopke.

According to international estimates, since February 2022, 110 to 140 thousand Russian invaders were eliminated. Analysts noted that the desire of Russian President Vladimir Putin to increase the number of troops in Ukraine is obvious. In particular, the Russians are motivated by high payments, and they are pressed on the term lots to sign contracts.

According to the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Ivan Havrylyuk, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation increased the number of their troops in Ukraine out of 400 thousand people at the beginning of the year to 600 thousand, as of now. Whereas by the end of 2024 the enemy plans to bring this number of up to 800 thousand Russians. "However, the funds that have Russian regions for a set of contractors are expiring. Large -scale mobilization is rising," analysts said.

In particular, it is suggested that the Kremlin leader can use the operation of the Armed Forces in the Kursk region to call more Russian citizens. "True, it will most likely try" without an official announcement, secretly, "-said Jeanne Plaumann and Julian Ryopke. Recall that on August 14, the Russian edition said that term from the 80th Motorial Division of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation wanted to be sent to the Kursk region. where the fighting is ongoing.