
Russian assaulters were armed with GM-94 grenade launchers: what is known about them

It is stated that the Tula enterprise has delivered a batch of grenade launchers 43mm GM-94 caliber. Holding "High-precision complexes" from Rostek Corporation was transferred to the army of the Russian Federation Granet GM-94 for assault units. About it reports RIA news. The assault units of the invaders allegedly received a batch of GM-94 grenade launchers. They are in high demand at the front because they need to destroy fortifications.

It is also argued that the supply has occurred before all terms. The GM-94 is the development of the AG Shipunov Design Bureau. Weapons have 43 mm caliber with different types of warheads from fragile to thermobaric. The weight of GM-84 is less than 5 kilograms, the length is 80 cm with a decomposed example. Rostech also stated that the grenade launcher has a weak return. The capacity of the store is 3-4 shots. The maximum range of firing is up to 300 meters.

The grenade launcher itself was created in the 1990s. "This is especially important for military personnel who are fighting with the enemy, practically face-to-face. Thanks to the hard and selfless work of Tula weapons, a new party went to the troops ahead of schedule,"-said the industrial director of the Rostekha's Arms Complex. We will remind, on September 19, "Rostekh" stated that they increased production of "Iskander" and "dagger" missiles 10 times.