
Putin recalled peaceful talks: Austria suggested a place and conditions on how to hold them, details

Austria is ready to become a mediator for peace talks for the completion of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Federal Chancellor Carl Nevammer said. The Austrian politician responded to Vladimir Putin's statement, who mentioned the unsuccessful "Istanbul Agreements". Russian President Vladimir Putin must sit at the table of peaceful negotiations with Ukraine and does not need to fulfill any conditions. Negotiations can take place through Austria and support the European Security Organization.

The possibility of completion of the war Austrian Federal Chancellor Carl Nevammer spoke on the social network X (Twitter). The message of the nerdammer appeared at 14 am. September 5, a few hours after Putin's statement about war in Ukraine. The Austrian Federal Chancellor suggested that the Russian Federation and Ukraine began negotiations, while its country would become a mediator. According to the idea of ​​the politician, the meeting will be "without prior conditions".

Organization for Security and Co-Venry in Europe, Obse) can provide a platform for the end of the war. "We are aware of the statement of the President of Russia about his openness to peace talks with Ukraine. Any negotiations should take place without prior conditions,"-wrote Nevammer. Obse is an intergovernmental organization that includes representatives of 55 countries, including Russia and Ukraine.

From 2014 to 2022, the monitoring mission of this organization was operating on the territory of the occupied parts of the Donbass, which published daily reports on the number of equipment, which was noticed on both sides of the demarcation line, and about who, how many times he shot towards the opponent.

In 2022, the members of the mission were evacuated from the surrounded Mariupol, but at the Obse meeting in 2023 in Vienna (Austria), representatives of the aggressor country were present that on September 5, Vladimir Putin spoke about peaceful negotiations during the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. The Russian head stated that all the conditions on which he is ready to agree to the peace set out in the so -called "Istanbul agreements".

According to him, Russia is always ready for "diplomatic resolution of conflict. " Focus wrote about the content of an agreement, which was almost signed by representatives of the Russian Federation and Ukraine in Istanbul in the spring of 2022. One of the thesis that was not signed by Russia is to become a safety guarantor for Ukraine together with other Western partners. In June 2024, Putin stated that Ukrainians should be abandoned by the four areas occupied by the Russians.