
One of the CIS countries is increasingly afraid of Russia's attack - the data of a sociological survey

According to sociologists, a third of the Kazakhstans began to treat the Russian Federation worse than six months ago. The number of Kazakhstans who believe that neighboring Russia can invade the former Soviet Republic has doubled in the last six months. This is evidenced by the public opinion survey conducted by the Express Monitoring of the Demoscope Public Opinion together with the Paperlab Research Center.

The survey was conducted from May 3 to May 12, 2023 after 6 months after the previous one, which makes it possible to analyze the data obtained in the dynamics. A total of 1100 respondents were interviewed from the age of 18. Sociologists point out that in half a year the attitude of Kazakhstan citizens to Russia has deteriorated. Thus, 15% of Kazakhstan is believed to be an attack on the Russian Federation on Kazakhstan, which is twice exceeding November last year, when only 8. 3% were allowed.

At the same time, 23. 3% of those polled admit such development, but under certain circumstances. In 2022, 19% of respondents responded. At the same time, 61. 8%, on the contrary, consider such a prognosis impossible. Last year, this figure was 72. 7%. Also, during the Kazakhstan survey, they asked if their attitude to Russia had changed since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, and if it changed, in which direction. Half of citizens (51. 5%) remained the same. In a third of the Kazakhstan (32.

6%), it changed in the negative side. And only 4. 7% of respondents reported to improve their attitude to the Russian Federation since the beginning of the war. "The senior age group is marked in this answer. So among the respondents 18-29 years of age, only 0. 7%sympathize with Russia, among those 40-59 years such 5%, and among citizens 60+ about improving their attitude to Russia say 10, 10, 8%, "the press release said.