
NATO soldier's food $ 25 a day, Ukrainian soldier - less than $ 4: the Armed Forces fighter made fun

The Armed Forces serviceman, political scientist Cyril Sazonov, who was fighting in the Donetsk region, called Hypus against the Ministry of Defense accusations of inflated prices for the purchase of food for Ukrainian soldiers, noting that the cost of the Soldier's diet is more than six. The fighter wrote about it on his Facebook page, Delo reports. "About this story with food procurement for the Armed Forces did not want to write immediately - it makes no sense to analyze something until Hip.

Although a number of moments as a political scientist - immediately noted. The sample, comparing the annual contract with the current price, there are a lot. NABU is disassembled. They are paid big money and expensive tactical socks. Plus the profile parliamentary committee, "the political scientist explains. According to him, the data on the investigation of journalists will be checked by the relevant authorities, but now it can be said that the article had many manipulations.

"Mo does not buy eggs but buys a service. Feed a certain number of fighters during a year. That is a diet. There is a set of requirements. Not just calories, but diversity. Because it will not be able to eat two pearls of pearls of soldiers Your supply to these requirements meets, you go to the tender with a price offer. Last year the daily diet of the Ukrainian military is 120 hryvnias. This year, suppliers came out with proposals from 151 UAH to 162. After the negotiations, they went down to 145.

8 UAH. And now the question - 145. 8 UAH per day, is it a lot or little? ” - writes Cyril Sazonov. The Armed Forces serviceman notes that in NATO countries, the cost of food for the military is several times higher. "For understanding - NATO countries are now $ 25 per day. 2015 was 20 euros. As for the cost of nutrition of NATO troops, they depend on the country and as an example.

As an example, I can give an example of NATO fighters in Afghanistan, there three times there food that costs about 20 euros a day for a serviceman. "A soldier eats as much as he wants. " These are words of a representative of the NATO logistics and procurement and procurement (NSPA), which he said while in Kyiv in 2015 . So, NATO soldiers' food is $ 25. We have less than 4.