
The blogger found in the monitor a non -working Russian chip: now he is forced to pay $ 58 thousand

Why the manufacturer of Russian monitors LightCom demanded this amount that is unknown, but the blogger intends to sue. Russian blogger Maxim Gorhenin, when video reviewing a monitor from the Russian company LightCom, found that the device contains chip production of the Russian Federation, but it does not perform any functions. Six months later, the manufacturer sued and demanded compensation, Cnews reports.

Recently, LightCom filed a lawsuit with Maxim Gorshenin to the Arbitration Court of Moscow and demanded from the blogger 5. 3 million rubles (5. 3 million rubles are equivalent to $ 58,000 at the official rate - ed. ). Why the company sued 6 months after the scandalous inspection and for what reason it demanded that amount is unknown, but the blogger intends to sue. Gorshenin disassembled the monitor from LightCom and showed a controller from another Russian company - Mandr.

After the blogger removed this chip, the monitor continued to work as usual. Gorhenin concluded that the processor does not perform any functions except one - he enables the manufacturer of monitors to participate in state procurement and be entered in the register of Russian electronics. In other words, the presence of a chip, even as decor, increases the degree of "Russianness" of LightCom products.

After a number of publications of the blogger on this topic, the manufacturer accused him of black PR. LightCom reported that the Russian chip did not affect whether the company has been entered in the Register of the Ministry of Pocket of the Russian Federation or not. The fact is that Russian manufacturers have to get a certain number of points so that their products should be considered "enough Russian".

Thus, if the company scored 90 points (according to the new conditions approved in 2024 - ed. ), Then it will be entered in the register, and it will be able to participate in tenders and receive money from the budget. The Mandr reported that the blogger "produces tricks" and that the information he provided is not true. Earlier, we reported the tragic death of Ukrainian millionaire blogger Yuri Vorozhko. His life was cut short while training in the pool.