
Russia continues to sell oil and replenish the budget for war: how do the United States help with this

According to journalists, the United States was the largest buyer of oil from India produced from Russian oil, worth $ 1. 3 billion from the beginning of December 2022. After the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation began a full -scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the Western countries introduced an unprecedented amount of sanctions against Russia.

Restrictions also touched Russian oil, when the international community decided that it would refuse to buy Russian oil and set the upper price limit. But in the third year of the war, India became the main buyer of "black gold" from the Russian Federation instead of Europe. About it writes CNN on February 19. It is noted that the aggressor earns oil sales thanks to the US.

Thus, some of the crude oil is processed into petroleum products at oil refineries on the western coast of India and then exported to the United States and other countries that have agreed with sanctions against oil from the Russian Federation. According to the analysis of the Center for Energy and Pure Air Research (CREA), last year the United States became the largest buyer of petroleum products from India that were made of Russian raw materials.

According to the Center, from the beginning of December 2022 to the end of 2023, US companies bought oil products worth $ 1. 3 billion. All because products processed outside Russia do not fall under sanctions. Thanks to this Lazivka, Moscow increased revenues to the federal budget to a record $ 320 billion in 2023. Meanwhile, the US authorities already want to close the existing loophole thanks to sanctions against the ships of the Russian "shadow fleet" that deliver Russian oil to India.

"The shadow fleet has made it possible to create a parallel structure of navigation, capable of withstanding changing tactics and orientation of Western sanctions, with hundreds of tankers of opaque property that use complex routes," the publication reads. Despite the sanctions and difficult economic status of the Russian Federation, in the country for 11 months of 2023, according to Bloomberg, oil wells were drilled to a total depth of 28 100 kilometers.

It is noted that the growth of activity coincided with the restoration of both the volume and the cost of Russian oil exports, which clearly demonstrates how the fossil fuel industry in the country has become a key source of funds, which then use the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for war against Ukraine. We will remind that the media on February 13 reported that the Russian Federation blocked part of the fleet for transportation of oil.