
They want to cut logistics in Avdiivka: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation could not take steppe - MBA (video)

The chairman of the Avdiiv City Military Administration Vitaliy Barbash reported that the Armed Forces control the Steppe Donetsk region. There is a route that supply comes to Avdiivka. Intense battles are ongoing in the Avdeevsky direction, but special attention of Russia's occupation troops focuses on the settlement of the Steppe Donetsk region, in the northwest of the city. The purpose of the invaders is to control this location to overlap the logistics of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

On Tuesday, December 4, the head of the Avdiiv City Military Administration Vitaliy Barbash said on the air of "Radio Liberty", "This is the nearest direction to cut us one single road," Barbash emphasized. However, he stressed that control over the settlement remains in the hands of the Ukrainian military. At the same time there are heavy fights. "Just yesterday-day, there were serious stabilization actions on our part. Now there is no enemy in the Stepovo.

Barbash noted that regardless of the weather, the enemy continues its assault actions in different groups in the direction of the Avdius Coke Plant almost around the clock. He also said that Russian troops continue attacks on a cokemic plant in Avdiivka, but they have not yet managed to get into the enterprise. "Sometimes they really reach almost the fence of the Avdi Koksochimmade. But . . .

they also write very often," we went to coke "," We are left two days, three days - KKSOKHIM will be completely ours. " Once they did not go to Koksokhim, "Barbash emphasized. According to him, intense battles are also in the industrial zone, where the enemy most often uses equipment. The Russians try to establish control over the area through order to enter the city at any cost, despite the loss.

We will remind, according to the Institute of War Study (ISW) of December 4, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue offensive actions in the Avdiivka area. According to analysts, Russian troops advanced in the area of ​​the reservoir north of Avdiivka. We will also remind, representatives of Ukraine appealed to international organizations to investigate a video published on December 2, on which the Russian military shoots unarmed Ukrainian fighters who are captured.