
By May 9, the Russian Federation wants to capture the ravine, and in June to start a counter -offensive - Zelensky (video)

According to Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukrainian soldiers do not have enough equipment and artillery shells. He hopes that US assistance will come on time. On April 21, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that the Russian Federation wants to seize Yar in Donetsk region by May 9. If Ukrainian troops stand, Russia's plans will start counter -offensive in June. This was reported by the head of our country in an interview for NBC News. "Russia wants to mobilize 300 thousand fighters by June 1.

We are preparing for this. By May 9, Russia expects to occupy the Yar in East of Ukraine . . . I expect that we will stand that weapons will be arrived in time and we will be able to repel the enemy and then break plans The Russian Federation on full -scale contradictory actions in June, " - said the President of Ukraine. According to Zelensky, today the Ukrainian defenders who keep defense in this direction lack the equipment and artillery shells.

He expects that Ukraine will receive help from the United States on time and we will be able to repel the enemy and break the plans of the Russian Federation on counter -offensive. "I recently been in the region, spoke with the fighters. The soldiers lacking the equipment to fight the Russian reconnaissance drone that adjust the artillery fire of Russia, and there are not enough artillery shells,"-said the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

According to operational information of the General Staff of the Armed Forces as of 18. 00 on April 21, 2024, 65 combat clashes were recorded at the front during the day. In total, the enemy caused 4 missile and 37 aviation strikes, making 49 shelling of rocket launchers on the positions of our troops and settlements. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, referring to the report of the Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine General Sirsky, on April 21 reported the hottest points of the front.