
60% denied engines: 670 aircraft breakdowns occurred in the Russian Federation in 11 months

Over the past autumn, as many planes broke in Russia as it had previously broken up a year. According to Rosivation, in the 11 months of 2023 there were "0. 67 thousand cases". Rosivation tried to explain about 15 dangerous events with Russian airline planes in December. The department stated that serious incidents are much more than the general public is known. In 2023 there were 670 in 11 months. This was stated on the website of the Federal Air Transport Agency.

"There is no tendency to increase the number of aviation incidents on Russian air transport. For 11 months of 2023, their number with aircraft transporting passengers and cargoes decreased by 1. 3% to the same period last year, to 0. 67 thousand cases" , - the publication reads. According to the agency, in 60% (400) there were a problem with the refusal of aviation equipment and engines. It is noted that, against the backdrop of plaque growth, the tendency to reduce the incidents is 1.

3% less, the number of major engine failures and aviation engineering has become 2% less than a year earlier. According to Newsweek, because of sanctions, the number of Russian aircraft fractures increased three times during the year. Restrictions imposed due to the invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine do not allow to supply spare parts and technical support of the boards to the Russian Federation. Since the beginning of this year, more than 180 faults that occurred in flight have been recorded.

In 2022, there were 60 such incidents. From 2018 to 2022, there were 55 breaks a year, according to the New Newspaper. Europe. This year, according to the publication, there were more faults than in the previous three years. Only during the fall in Russia broke as many aircraft as it was earlier in a year. According to journalists, in 30% of cases, in 2023, engines were caused by the cause of the engine, another 25% of the incidents should be attributed to the chassis malfunction.

Violations in the work of brakes, flaps and air conditioning systems have become commonplace. There are also problems with windshields. In Rosivation, they try to correct the situation with the help of certificates of aviation developers. They were handed over to the airlines to repair the boards on their own and disassemble some planes for spare parts. Recall that the manufacturer of the submarin for the Russian fleet released the CEO.

The State Corporation "OSK" has been losses for two years and has lost 20 billion rubles in the past year alone. It was also reported that on December 11, a Russian aircraft made of 19 kg of radioactive material on board carried out emergency landing in Moscow. On December 7, the Russian cargo aircraft Tu-204, which transported the cargo to China, caught fire during takeoff. The pilot tried to reset the fuel before the forced planting-and the flames were stretched along the horizon line.