
Cossack Siromakh about intentions to return to the army and why constantly in Sharovars: exclusive focus interview

Singer Oleksandr Lyubbozhenko, a painful pain under the stage name of Cossack Syromakha told Focus about her tour villages, Cossack rituals, upbringing of children and advertising of Ukrainian culture. The singer Kozak Siromakha told in an exclusive interview with focus, plans to go to the front again, her tour of America and Ukrainian villages, as well as why he is constantly walking in Sharovars. 1.

Cossack Syromakha is a stage image or a state of mind? This is my natural nature, I am an artist on stage, and in the life of a Cossack. Since 2005, my teacher and mentor ordered his head and leaving the chub. 2. You position yourself with a true Ukrainian Cossack. How is your life arranged? Are there any Cossack traditions at home? Are you constantly walking in cherovars? I constantly go to the sharovars, because I do not like narrow jeans since childhood, I love free clothes.

And I also transform the clothes to the Cossack style, I am fun and pleasant. My clothes are advertising of Ukrainian culture. True Cossack life, it is a simple life and an exalted thinking. We do not strive for enrichment, we use what the Lord gives. We will not envy anyone, the main thing is to maintain cleanliness at home and in the head, the rest is not so important. 3. You are a tailor by education.

Your clothes, who creates it? How much do you spend clothes and its creation? How much is your most expensive outfit? I am choreographer and tailor, but my wife or parents of my students also sew. I do not remember how much it costs, but for example, my county and blue haremarks are made of Italian fabric. The Cossacks have never swore to borrow something from other countries, to experiment. I have a American jeans hare, they do not go hot even in the summer. 4. Tour by the villages of Ukraine.

You gave free concerts for which others pay. How did the idea come about and why? In which villages did they visit? Your vision of the Ukrainian village today? What kind of people did you have on the speeches? I love Ukrainian villages very much and know their need, the task of the artist to support people in difficult times and we need to support people at all levels. In addition, we were preparing to release the first album, it helped us to inspire ourselves to create a concept.

We visited about 30 villages, everyone received very warm, baked cows, covered tables. Great thank our people. As for the vision of the Ukrainian village . . . We need to get rid of alcohol, put the energy of love in our fertile land, and cooperate with nature. And cities have to do everything to support villages, visit, develop domestic tourism, and exchange. 5. You have a debut album with Gordy Old.

How did the tour of the villages burst into this album? Tour to the villages gave an understanding of what the mood of the album should be, "Vytynanka" came out exactly that we conceived it before the first songs appeared. We sent an album to various music critics, famous directors, actors, and received positive grades. But most importantly, the album appealed to the military guys is the most important assessment of creativity. 6. Do you go on a tour of America? Tell your plans and expectations.

I am already in America, first and foremost I come to Ukrainians. But I also understand how the Americans are focusing on Ukraine, so we do everything to be worthy of its representatives. We also raise funds for the Magura Brigade, it requires UAH 1 million. 7. How much and what does the Cossack Siromakh make in life? What does money spend on? I don't now focus on earnings. Nowadays, we need to suffer a little and sacrifice to build a strong society and the army. 8. You have three sons.

Tell us how old they are, what are they admired? Would they be ready to put them into the army? My kids are now going to school, the usual guy, what were all of us. When they grow up, they will choose my way, I will not interfere and never refuse. 9. You have the experience of military service, because you participated in the ATO. Were thoughts for the second time to go to the front? There were such thoughts, but fate always returned to the speeches.

From the very beginning, there were many quotes full -scale in the guys, we cover them as we can charitable measures. But, first of all, thank you for people, without people there would be nothing. 10. The topic is more relevant as ever. How do you feel about mobilizing artists? I think there is no correct answer. Someone raises a lot of money, someone is engaged in the MFA, someone takes a weapon. In any case, everyone has to contribute. 11. There are artists who went abroad.

For example, Potap, Ivan Dorn, Oleg Vinnyk. How do you treat them and their lives abroad? I do not happen. If they help, then the fellows, but if they just do their cases, do not judge them. 12. Your opinion when to wait for the end of the war? And do you believe in the victory of Ukraine? The future, like the past, does not belong. We will not run in advance, there are certain tasks here and now.