
Instead of "Tornado-C" sparkards: the Russian Federation is changing the tactics of shelling

Reactive shells have become high, and therefore they can be used where Iskander would be inappropriate, they say in Rostekh. Tornado-C's reactive systems of the Tornado-C Fire began to be used instead of the Iskander operative-tactical missile systems. About it reports the Russian state agency TASS. The industrial director of the complex of ordinary weapons, ammunition and special chemicals "Rostekh" Beckhan Odoev stated that Tornado-C has an increased from 90 to 120 km.

The RSSU can affect both areas and individual goals. The occupiers are currently working to continue to improve Tornado-C. "Such shells (Tornado-C) can be used to defeat objects where the use of" Iskander "is excess. The accuracy of Tornado-C is very high and the power of the combat part is enough to hit almost any, even very strongly protected The object, " - says Odoev.

It is stated that an increase in the radius of action to 120 km approached the jet installation of the volley fire to the tactical rocket complexes. The "Tornado-C" is based on the Soviet RSSU "Smerch". In the Russian Federation, the ammunition and their goal were improved. One installation has 12 starting for 300 mm shells. The target is done by navigating GLONASS.