
Putin's red button: why the West does not help Ukraine as Israel

President Zelensky complains that Western partners, refusing to knock down Russian missiles near their borders with Ukraine, are in different way in the Middle East. Why allies hug tactics, found out the focus.

Commenting, among other things, in his video, the exacerbation between Iran and Israel, Volodymyr Zelenskyy separately emphasized that Western partners refuse to knock Russian missiles near their borders with Ukraine, while in the Middle East, "In the Criminal Iranian blows, the International Coalition operates together.

" "Ukraine has long been talking to all neighbors, all the main partners: we need to interact, we need to knock down" Shakhda ", knock down missiles, and especially in the areas near NATO countries. It is absolutely possible, because every time in the Middle East during the Crime Iran We see how the International Coalition operates together, "the Head of State emphasized.

Thanks to the countries that assist Ukraine with air defense systems, "and especially Romania for its Patriot", Zelensky summarized: "We can achieve even more efficiency - we can allocate an end to Russian terror at all by knocking down" chew "and missiles in interaction with allies" . The fact that American destroyers in the Mediterranean have knocked down several missiles that Iran tried to attack Israel, reports Washington Post, citing a source at the US Department of Defense.

This information was not commented in the Pentagon. Instead, the head of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense John Hili said the following: "I resolutely condemn Iran's attack against Israel. The British forces played a role in trying to prevent further exacerbation in the Middle East. I want to thank the British military personnel. professionalism".

Meanwhile, Politico, referring to the unnamed President of US President Joe Baiden, writes that the US and Israel are discussing the possibility of attacks on the Proiganian formations and units of the Corps of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (KSIR) in Yemen and Syria as part October 1.

Commenting on focus the actual reproach of Zelensky allies on the level of support of Ukraine and Israel, the head of the Center for Military Legal Research Alexander Musienko said: "To date, Ukraine has a security agreement with the United States, which provides a clear list , etc. In our case, in the process of Israel.

Emphasizing that Israel is not opposed today by no nuclear state, the expert stated: "We are really bold, because we are fighting with a large nuclear country, but the United States now retains the policy of so -called red lines in Russia. B The corresponding shot, stating that they support everything that the President of Ukraine says, I think, both Poland and Romania would be much more active in the process of shaking "Shahmed" and not only them.

" According to the expert, most neighbors of Ukraine "understand" relate to the situation and are ready to support. Note that, for example, neighboring Poland laid the appropriate tool in cooperation with Ukraine, the expert stated that Warsaw and Bucharest "Unfortunately, still look at Washington and Brussels".

Answering the question of whether the US can change its position on this particular track during the coming meeting of the Ramstein group, which is convened at the level of Joe Biden leaders, the expert said: "No.

I think the position of the United States will remain as it is Now we can count on the strengthening of air defense, supply of additional missiles, anti-aircraft missile complexes, the gradual strengthening of aviation, but I do not think that as of now we will hear the decision to close our sky.

In turn, the expert of the Foreign Policy Council "Ukrainian Prism" Alexander Kraev in conversation with focus makes the following emphasis: "If we talk about the difference in the approaches of Western allies to Ukraine and Israel, then everything is explained here by only two words: nuclear weapons. Tehran does not have a second one in Tehran. The size of the nuclear potential, so knock it out of rockets, to kill its generals, how to do any operations on restraint of Iran is very simple.

The nuclear button will be pressed, not the fact that there is something at all, but if it is, it is not the fact that it is able to fly in principle. Note that from the point of view of the event a full -scale attack on Ukraine - it was a completely irrational decision of the Russian Federation, the expert stressed: "Thus, if the attack on Ukraine is irrational, and Putin went to it, then Western allies believe that the decision on nuclear escalation is also The Kremlin can approve.

Considering that Moscow was prescribed in her nuclear doctrine, Oleksandr Kraev notes, Putin should have "times a hundred" should attack Ukraine. This, in his opinion, should happen even after the entrance of the RDC and Legion "Freedom of Russia" to the Belgorod region, and the Armed Forces on Kurshchyna, and after attack on the Belbek airfield in the Crimea, and after the control of the Black Sea Federation and, even after the beating of the two A-50 that is part of nuclear restraint.

Despite the fact that the event is still afraid of Putin's nuclear button, Alexander Kraev sums up, there is some progress, "but the movement in this direction leaves much to be desired.

" Answering the question of why Western allies respond differently to rocket attacks by Iran and Russia, political scientist Taras Zagorodniy said in conversation with focus the following: "This story began in 1948, when the state was announced by Israel, which clearly understood that no one will give her weapons, so it is not just necessary to work-to smell on defense.

The area is approximate to the Kiev region, 80% of which was and is the Negev Desert, produced planes, produced missiles and weapons, "stuck" nuclear bomb ". As a result, Israel, the expert, achieved such successes, achieved an independent policy to do the wars: "In 1967, Israel was also told, including Americans, that they do not need to beat Arab countries. But they still attacked in neutral waters even on the way in neutral waters. They shot the American ship "Liberty".

Especially emphasizing that Israel "got on his defense for 70 years", Taras Zagorodniy emphasized: "Now you will laugh, but the fact remains: the US and all others now protect not Israel, but Iran, because if something serious is coming from there. So, how to hit that it will almost seem to be cut over serious escalation.

In this context, the expert is convinced that the more Ukraine will "stamp its own missiles and other weapons" and the more it will beat in Russia, the more Kiev will be assisted by Western Allies as a whole and the US in particular. The expert emphasized that when Ukraine has a 2-3 thousand/km missiles "suddenly draws a bunch of allies and friends who will actively help, because in this world everything is solved only by force.

" As a clear proof of his hypothesis, Taras Zagorodniy recalled that Iran congratulated Ukraine on Independence Day. "Everyone was surprised why Iran was suddenly done. And because they saw Ukraine a systematically beat in Russia. That is, Iran realizes that sooner or later Ukraine would build its missiles with a range of 2-3 thousand km,"-states it Political scientist.